These things are a big no-no where true love is involved.
A lot of people say that they love their partners, but actions speak much more loudly than words ever will. If your man truly adores you, he’d never do any of the things that follow.
1. Allow others to behave badly towards you, without defending you.
That includes his own family. If he just stands by and doesn’t say anything if someone insults or threatens you, then you really need to reevaluate your relationship with this guy. If he doesn’t want to “rock the boat” by coming to your defense, he’ll likely throw you to the wolves to save himself.
2. Speak about you like you’re a possession when he’s with his friends.
Does he talk about you like you’re an object, and share details about your intimate life with his buddies? Then not only does he lack integrity, he sees you as an accessory. That isn’t love: it’s ownership, and he’s likely to discard you as soon as you begin to “devalue” in his eyes.
3. Disrespect you.
When a man truly loves you, he’ll make sure that you feel honored and respected. He won’t leave dirty laundry on the floor for you to pick up like you’re his maid, nor will he sit back and expect to be waited upon. He’ll treat you like an equal, cherished partner.
4. Intentionally overstep or break your boundaries.
Mistakes happen, and if he oversteps accidentally, he’ll apologize for doing so and ensure that it doesn’t happen again. If instead the overstep is repeated, especially smugly or intentionally (as if to establish dominance in the relationship), then you know he doesn’t truly love you.
5. Try to change you into his preferred version of yourself.
If the man you’re with keeps making suggestions about how you can change to better suit his ideal version of you, then it’s unlikely that he actually loves you. Instead, he loves his idea or vision of who you could be, if you weren’t so defiant about changing “just a few things”.
6. Punish you for not behaving the way he’d prefer.
Does your guy give you the silent treatment or withhold affection if you don’t do the things he wants? That’s a form of manipulative abuse in which he’s trying to program you to behave for positive rewards and reinforcement. If he loved you, he would never behave so shamefully or childishly.
7. Take your kindness for granted.
When a man loves you, he sees that you remember how he takes his coffee and what size socks he wears so you can pick some up for him when his get holes in them. He never takes you for granted because he remembers what life was like without you.
8. Weaponize your insecurities.
We all have insecurities, and when we spend a lot of time with others (like in a relationship), they get to recognize them. If your man loves you, he’ll never weaponize yours and use them against you, even if you’re having an atrocious argument, because he knows what long-term damage that might cause.
9. Sabotage things you love.
While some guys might get insecure or petulant if you don’t pay enough attention to them (because you’re doing your own thing), a man who loves you will encourage you to enjoy your own pursuits. He won’t guilt trip you into canceling outings, or “accidentally” lose or damage your craft supplies, and so on.
10. Leave you in the lurch.
If the two of you get into difficulty together, he won’t leave you holding the bag and abandon you to sort it out. Whether this is an unplanned pregnancy or an unexpected debt, he’ll stand by you and see things through by your side, as part of a united team.
11. Hit you.
This is an unforgivable action and should be a one-strike rule in any relationship. A man who hits you does not love you, and will hit you again if given the chance to do so. Love is never violent. If he ever hits you, get help immediately, walk away, and never look back.