Integrity is lacking in men who do these things.
It usually takes a fair amount of time to determine whether someone has integrity or not, because you have to observe their actions and words over a prolonged period. Keep an eye out for these 12 behaviors in men, as they’re solid indicators that integrity is seriously lacking.
1. They proclaim their integrity loudly, and often.
If somebody embodies a particular trait, they don’t feel a need to broadcast it: their behaviors and actions will speak for themselves. Watch out for men who put phrases like “honest and trustworthy” in their online bios, as that invariably indicates that the opposite is true.
2. Their actions don’t match their words.
It’s great that they “meant” to do something, but that isn’t the same as actually showing up and doing it, is it? A lot of people over-commit and under-deliver, which paints them as flaky and unreliable. A man with integrity will keep the commitments he’s made, to the best of his ability.
3. They have double standards.
One huge red flag that someone is lacking integrity is having double standards, especially between genders or cultural backgrounds. For example, there may be something that would be “dealbreaker” behavior if their girlfriend or wife did it, but it’s fine for them to do whenever they like.
4. They weaponize limitations or incompetence to manipulate situations to their benefit.
They may never be able to help with the housework because of their bad back or knee, but those issues magically disappear when they have an opportunity to go to an event with the boys. Alternatively, they may intentionally mess something up so badly that they’re never asked to do it again.
5. They boast about how they’ve screwed people over.
You wouldn’t respect a grown man who boasted about beating up a kid and taking their candy, would you? This behavior implies a massive lack of integrity, and is even more despicable if they imply that the person they screwed over was “asking for it”—like that justifies their behavior.
6. “Not gonna lie to you…”
Immediately distrust anyone who begins a sentence with this phrase. If they were honest and had any integrity at all, they wouldn’t feel the need to pre-empt what they were about to say with this disclaimer. It’s right along the lines of saying “I’m not racist, but…” before saying something bigoted.
7. They change their principles based on the social group they’re in.
Dudebro might express his fervently held beliefs about something when out for drinks with colleagues, but then espouses the complete opposite when shooting pool with his mates. In a case like this, his principles are either as changeable as the weather, or he’s spineless and pandering to whoever’s within earshot.
8. They’re quick to make promises, but always have excuses to renege on them.
A lot of men who lack integrity are “people pleasers” in an attempt to be thought of well, whether it’s with new friends, work responsibilities, or in a dating scenario. The absence of integrity is all too apparent when it’s time to show up for what they’ve promised. Somehow, there’s always an excuse as to why they can’t.
9. They refuse any accountability.
Men who lack integrity will shift blame and refuse to acknowledge when they know that they’ve done wrong. Additionally, they’ll often use scare and bully tactics to avoid accountability, particularly towards those who are smaller and weaker than they are, like children or more petite female partners.
10. They badmouth whoever is absent from the social circle.
They’re always the ones to initiate slander against whoever’s absent from the social gathering. This type of childish behavior may be understandable from a young teenager, but trustworthy men with solid integrity would never trash-talk an acquaintance who isn’t around and thus can’t defend themselves accordingly.
11. They lack determination.
Even if their intention and moral compass is pointing in the right direction, they lack the resolve to see anything through. As they never finish anything, it’s impossible to trust their word. Basically, a person’s word only has merit if they keep it, and that takes determination many people lack.
12. Things go missing around them.
This one may be glaringly obvious, but if things keep disappearing when these guys are around, then it’s likely because they’re stealing them. If they’re called out on it, they may claim that they just borrowed said item and didn’t think it was a big deal, but if it wasn’t, they would have asked first, wouldn’t they?