Say these words to demonstrate your self-confidence.

We all have those times when we feel like we’re not getting our point across. And sometimes, we’re not commanding the room like we wish we could. If that sounds like you—worry no more! We’re looking at twelve phrases that pack a punch so you can affirm your authority without breaking a sweat.
1. “I understand your point, but here’s what I believe…”

This one is perfect for those moments when you need to disagree without starting a fight. Essentially, you’re showing you understand others’ opinions before paving the way for your own, confidently communicating that your beliefs matter. Use it when you’re sure of your stance and ready to back it up. It’s the kind of phrase that keeps the peace but makes your position clear.
2. “Let’s look at the facts.”

You can use this phrase to redirect any airy-fairy discussion back to solid ground. When people are starting to speculate too much, this phrase anchors things down and makes sure everybody’s grounded in reality. It tells them to only think about what they know to be true. As such, you can rest assured that any decisions people are making are based on solid, undeniable evidence. Great for team meetings.
3. “I appreciate your input; I’ll take it from here.”

Our next saying is one that tells people “Thanks,” but in a way that firmly takes the reins. It’s a smooth operator’s way of acknowledging other people’s contributions while making it crystal clear who’s wrapping things up. While remaining polite, you’re owning the room and setting the stage for the next steps. And you’re doing it all with a dash of class!
4. “No, I disagree.”

Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective, and that’s where this saying comes in. Cut through the fluff with a straightforward rebuttal that leaves no room for doubt about where you stand. It’s quick, clean, and avoids unnecessary drama. While it might be just three words, you’d be surprised at how effective they can be. Once you’ve said them, everybody will know not to mess with you!
5. “Yes, I can handle this.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re volunteering for a new project or reassuring your team that you’re confident in yourself, “Yes, I can handle this” is sure to come in handy. When you use it, you’re showing people just how capable you are, as well as your readiness to tackle any challenge. It’s not a reply but a sign of your readiness to rise to the occasion.
6. “I need this done by [specific time].”

Nothing says ‘I’m in charge’ like setting a deadline. Instead of being someone who simply keeps the train on the tracks, you’re someone who’s actually helping it speed towards success. It should be in every manager’s arsenal! Essentially, it’s your way of showing that while you trust your team, you’re keeping an eye on the clock.
7. “Let me finish.”

Give the interrupters a taste of their own medicine with a phrase that’s polite yet powerful. It’s the kind of saying that makes your voice heard so that your ideas get the spotlight they deserve. It’s your best way to take back the mic, so to speak. Only pushovers get lost in the shuffle—don’t let that be you.
8. “I need more information to make a decision.”

You could also try showing your more careful side by letting everyone know how much you prefer making informed decisions. They’ll understand you’re trying to be thorough. After all, great choices need great info! Plus, it’s a phrase that subtly reminds everyone that you’re the type to think things through instead of making rash decisions. They’ll know you’re the boss.
9. “That is beyond my personal boundaries.”

Everyone has their boundaries, but only the most confident among us are keen to stick to theirs. That’s where this phrase comes in! It’s a saying that helps you draw the line with grace by telling people you respect yourself enough to define and defend your limits. Best of all, it’s a relatively professional sentence. You’ll keep things polite while firmly setting your comfort zone.
10. “That won’t be possible.”

Here’s a pretty classy way to say no. It’s direct and uncomplicated in a way that also sidesteps the need for long-winded explanations. Plus, it leaves little room for negotiation—the people you’re speaking to will know that you’ve closed the door on the matter. And you did it all with the elegance and finality that the situation deserves!
11. “Let’s shift our focus back to…”

Of course, it’s natural for discussions to veer off-topic. When that happens, you don’t have to be rude about it. Instead, you can gently guide everyone back on track with this kind of saying! It shows people that you know that time is money—and focus is the currency of leaders. Just gently nudge everyone back to the agenda.
12. “Can you clarify your point on…”

You can get everyone fully engaged in the topic by asking for specifics. Best of all, it’s the kind of phrase that shows you’re listening and involved in the topic at hand. They’ll know how serious you are about getting to the bottom of things, and they’ll likely admire this attitude. Like some of the other phrases, it encourages open dialogue so that everyone is on the same page.