Forward movement is impossible while you’re attached to these things.

Now and again, you might feel like you’re running on a treadmill, working up a sweat, but not actually getting anywhere. Well, that might be because you’re clutching onto a few unhelpful attachments—and these keep dragging you back. Let’s cut those chains! Here are some things you need to let go of from your life if you are to move forward.
1. The same old experiences and routine.

Fear of the unknown can make you stick to the safe and familiar, even when it’s unsatisfying. When you avoid new experiences, you’re also avoiding any chance at adventure and denying yourself the growth that comes from stepping into the unknown. After all, life’s richest flavors often require a little daring! Don’t let fear keep you from new experiences.
2. Other people’s approval.

Constantly seeking validation on social media or from peers turns your self-worth into a puppet that’s being controlled by others’ opinions. You have to break free. You should value your own opinions above the crowd’s and start steering your own life because, at the end of the day, it’s your journey. Shouldn’t you be the one driving?
3. Negative thoughts.

Drowning in negative thoughts causes more harm than good. After all, constant self-criticism locks you in a state of self-doubt, making it hard to move forward or take the kinds of risks that could lead to big rewards. It’s time to flip the script by cheering yourself on. Don’t beat yourself up—instead, pick yourself up. Positivity is completely free.
4. Grudges.

Forgiveness doesn’t simply involve other people. In fact, it’s a way to free yourself from being tied to past conflicts and give yourself the chance to move forward with peace. It also keeps your energy focused on what matters. You may not realize it, but it’s actually liberating to let go of old grievances—think of it as dropping a heavy load you’ve been lugging around.
5. Prejudices.

Holding onto outdated beliefs limits your worldview. Eventually, this kind of behavior stops you from experiencing new insights and opportunities. No matter where you’re from, having an open mind is important—it’s the window through which fresh ideas breeze into your life. Don’t be the last to realize that the world has changed. Be part of that change!
6. Your devices.

Sure, technology keeps us connected, but too much screen time can isolate us from real-world interactions. You need these to grow emotionally and socially! Balancing your digital and real life is necessary to help you move forward, so make time to disconnect. Then, use that time to reconnect with life outside the pixels.
7. Past relationships.

Mulling over relationships that were good for a time but ultimately ended can be comforting, yet nothing new happens. Instead of moving forward, you’re stuck in a loop of memories, which means you’re missing out on creating fresh ones. The past is a great place to visit but a terrible place to stay. Time to pack your bags and chart a new course!
8. The “perfect” moment to start something.

Waiting for the perfect moment to start something new will have you hanging around forever. The best time to begin is now, even if the conditions aren’t perfect, because real progress involves making moves. How many people became successful just by waiting around? Get going! ”Someday” isn’t on the calendar, and there’s no time like the present.
9. Defensive behavior.

If you’re always pointing fingers at others for your misfortunes, you’re giving away your power over the situation. It’s not always other people’s fault. Taking responsibility puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life, and you’ll find it’s far more empowering to take charge. Assigning blame gets you nowhere—and might just ruin your relationships.
10. Work.

All work and no play? That’s only going to lead to Burnoutville. Balance is far more important. Being a workaholic prevents you from having any time for a personal life or adventure—you’ve tied yourself to a desk, and you’re missing the world’s wonders around you. Every minute spent at the desk after hours is a minute less of sunshine and smiles.