Don’t sit on your hands when it comes to your relationship.

It would be great if relationships coasted on their own momentum indefinitely, and remained perfectly solid and healthy over time. In reality, they require work and maintenance just like everything else. Here are some ways that you can ensure your partnership keeps improving, rather than simply hoping that it’ll keep sailing smoothly without any intervention.
1. Communicate regularly with authenticity.

Keep speaking with your partner on a regular basis to check on what’s going well, as well as if potential issues are bubbling under the surface. And that means more than just small talk—you need to sit down, avoid distractions, and truly communicate your authentic thoughts, feelings, and concerns with each other. That way, you can bolster the strengths and patch up any small cracks before they turn into bigger ones.
2. Make a greater effort with small kindnesses.

Many small kindnesses turn into a mountain of goodwill. Doing small things for one another consistently (regardless of your or their mood) is akin to little gusts of wind keeping a kite aloft. It’s much easier to keep something in the air than to toss it back up once it’s hit the ground.
3. Don’t take things personally.

Sometimes, people are going through a lot of internal turmoil, and the way that they are behaving has little or nothing to do with you—or by extension, your relationship. Don’t be moved by their moods, and learn to recognize the intention behind their actions.
4. Keep things exciting.

One sad truth about adult life is that it can get monotonous. We fall into schedules of work/cooking/housework/sleep with little variety, except for obligatory holidays. Instead, make a point of celebrating things on a regular basis. This gives you occasions to look forward to, and opportunities for fun and joy with your beloved.
5. Lift their spirits with little gestures.

Keep an eye out for media and fun things that you know will bring joy and happiness to the one you love. Watch their eyes light up when you show them that you’ve found a TV series or a game that they might like, for no other reason than you love them and want them to be happy.
6. Don’t “problem dump” on them all the time.

Don’t treat your partner as your pack mule, whether it’s asking them to carry your share of responsibilities, or using them as an outlet for emotional turmoil. If you’ve had a crap day, don’t just unleash your ire at them and leave them doing all the washing up.
7. Get into the habit of asking what you can do for them, rather than just what they can do for you.

It is not in the spirit of love to constantly dump workloads onto your partner. If you wonder why they’re looking drained, worn, and tired all the time, here’s a clue: they’re doing a lot more than you are, and the temporary benefits you’re reaping from your irresponsibility will hit you when they get seriously ill and collapse. Share the load more fairly by asking how you might ease their burden.
8. Sharpen your awareness of their shifting moods and disposition.

Look for subtle cues that things may be upsetting the balance between you. They might show less joy seeing you in the morning or after work, or you might notice that they haven’t been smiling or laughing as much as they used to. These are signs of issues that should be addressed—not ignored until they improve. Practice this until you’re able to spot changes in behavior as soon as they appear, although as per tip #3, learn to discern between potential relationship issues and when your partner is suffering from external factors. How you should respond will differ accordingly.
9. Don’t blow off plans with your partner.

If you make date night plans with your partner, keep to them instead of canceling them if something more interesting comes along, or you’re simply not feeling it at the time. Treat one another like you did when you were dating, make an effort with one another, and you’ll avoid potential resentment.
10. Constantly stay apprised of their interests.

You don’t have to love Outlander or sports, but if they do, keep notes about a few things that are important to them. If you get into an in-depth discussion of a particular team (or character), you’ll win massive points. This also makes holiday gift-giving significantly easier.
11. Make each other your primary focus on a regular basis.

Light a fire, turn off the WiFi, and sit and talk together. Read to each other (or listen to an audiobook), play chess or Scrabble, and keep getting to know one another as you evolve respectively. Since people are always growing and changing, make sure it’s together rather than apart.
12. Remember that just because your partner is capable, that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate help and support.

Let’s say your partner is out fixing the car’s engine in the pouring rain. It would mean the world to them if you came out with a cup of tea and an umbrella and showed support and interest. They’ve got this, but you’re showing them that you’re still doing what you can to help.