Are you a pushover?

Sometimes, we hand over the reins of our lives to everyone around us. And we do it without even realizing it. If you’re wondering how or why, let us clear things up for you. It’s your actions—often unconscious ones—that turn you into a pushover! Let’s find out exactly what habits might be giving your power away.
1. You say yes to everything.

Being a “yes man” means being the person for every favor, task, and extra shift. While it might feel good to be needed, when you say yes to everything, you inevitably say no to your own needs. Constantly agreeing allows others to take your willingness for granted. Worst of all, they might expect it every time, and before you know it, your own plans are left behind.
2. You’re always apologizing.

It’s polite to apologize when you’ve stepped on someone’s toes—literally or figuratively—but you shouldn’t be saying “sorry” in every conversation. Why? Because it’s a habit that makes you seem less confident and more subordinate. Soon enough, it’s easier for others to overshadow your presence in any setting. Apologizing when it’s not your fault can signal that you’re always the one to blame.
3. You run away from conflict.

Not all battles are worth fighting, but avoiding all conflicts is just as harmful. It can make you a soft target for those who don’t shy away from confrontation. Sometimes, clearing the air is necessary. Avoiding those moments can leave important words unsaid and issues unresolved. You should remember that a well-timed conversation can solve more than it stirs.
4. You’re too quiet.

Holding back can make you blend into the background in group discussions, letting others lead the narrative of your own story. Plus, keeping silent turns you into a follower instead of a leader. Speak up! Your opinions are valuable and deserve a platform just as much as anyone else’s. You never know how your thoughts could change the conversation entirely.
5. You have no boundaries.

If everyone knows they can always count on you for a last-minute favor, it might be time to start setting some boundaries. Without them, you might find yourself overcommitted, underappreciated, and exhausted. By saying no, you’re respecting your own limits. So go ahead, show people there’s a line they shouldn’t cross. You’ll eventually start to reclaim your time and energy.
6. You seek validation.

When your actions are more focused on pleasing others than fulfilling yourself, you might end up feeling unfulfilled and unnoticed. Relying too much on external validation can reduce your sense of self-worth. Soon, it becomes far too difficult for you to make a decision because you’re relying on other people to do so.
7. You put others before yourself.

Yes, it’s noble to care for others, but not at the expense of your own well-being. Constantly putting others first can wear you down and make your needs take a backseat. This kind of behavior isn’t fair to the one person you can’t afford to neglect—YOU. Instead, you should balance your generosity with self-care so that you’re there for others without losing yourself in the process.
8. You overcommit.

If your calendar is bursting at the seams and you still can’t say no, that doesn’t mean you’re busy. No, you’re overcommitted. Eventually, this causes burnout and stress which isn’t helpful to anyone, least of all you. You should learn to prioritize and maybe even delegate—you don’t have to be the one to do everything. Hopefully, you can then get your life back on track.
9. You’re too flexible.

Of course, flexibility is a fantastic trait. However, too much of it can twist your schedule and priorities into a knot. When you’re always accommodating others, your own plans will constantly get bumped. Remember that it’s okay to stick to your guns sometimes by asserting your wishes every now and then. This way, you’ll be able to stay on track with your goals.
10. You make excuses for others.

It’s one thing to be understanding but quite another to make excuses for someone’s poor behavior toward you. You have to recognize and address when others treat you poorly. After all, it’s your own dignity and self-respect we’re talking about! As such, you should stand up for yourself and let them know their behavior isn’t okay. Who knows, you might just earn their respect.
11. You share your time too much.

Time is the one thing you can never get back, so why let others decide how you spend yours? Allowing them to tell you how and when to use it means giving them more power than they deserve over your life. Guard your time as wisely as you guard your money. People will respect your time only if you do, and they’ll adjust their demands accordingly.