Are you noticing changes in yourself?

We all change throughout our lives, but the big question is whether you’re changing for the better, or worse. When you grow and evolve for the better, you may notice subtle, yet positive shifts in your mindset, behavior, and relationships. These changes are signs that you’re moving towards becoming the best version of yourself. Let’s explore 12 key indicators that you’re on the right track.
1. You take full responsibility for your life and where you are right now.

You know that your past is a result of your reactions to experiences, and you have stopped blaming others for your mistakes. You realize that you have to not only embrace the past, but you also have to learn from it. If you do not effectively close the door on the past, it will drag you down in the future. Through self-reflection and growth, you now own every aspect of your life. You give the reins to no one.
Psychology Today says that this ability to take honest responsibility is a powerful tool to set you on course for a happier life.
2. You own your emotions.

You know that if you want to be happy and successful, it must come from within. You are completely capable of creating the life that you want to live, and you make affirming choices to move yourself in that direction. You no longer rely on others to bring you happiness. You can now slow down and spend quiet time with yourself without feeling as if you aren’t being productive. You are no longer afraid of what might happen in life because you are prepared for any obstacle.
3. You practice self-love.

PsychCentral stresses the importance of self-love in improving well-being. When you truly love yourself, you take care of your own needs before addressing the needs of others. You know that you will only be able to care for others when you are well cared for yourself. You no longer expect perfection from yourself. Instead, you embrace the imperfections and celebrate them. You see them as they really are: opportunities to learn and grow into higher levels of consciousness. You have a strong desire to be alone, so that you can continue to explore the inner workings of your mind.
4. You are kind, loving and compassionate.

The Mental Health Foundation emphasizes how critical kindness is to living your best life. When you are kind and compassionate you forgive yourself and others. You enjoy helping others in their journeys. You are forever refining yourself and asking what you can do for those around you. People have become attracted to your kind energy, and you notice them wanting to spend time with you.
5. You have a strong desire to change your life.

Something strong inside of you is motivating you to make significant changes in your life. Your gut tells you that it is time to take a leap of faith and make change happen. As you begin to shift to a higher level of consciousness, there are several things that no longer fit. You have realized that you should only be spending your time and energy on the things in life that directly fulfill your newly found purpose. Your job, your home, and your personal belongings may be pulled into question as you make this shift.
6. You feel less anger and upset towards others (and yourself).

As you become the best you can be, you let go of all the aggression and anger you once clung to. You have no room for all of the noise created by feelings of ill will as you are completely focused on your own inner workings. You simply do not have the time for hostility in any form.
7. You pull away from toxic people.

You no longer tolerate those that suck your positive energy. Drama does not appeal to you, and you want no part of it in your life. While it isn’t easy, you find yourself ending friendships and setting boundaries that you have never set before. Toxic energy will only slow down your transition, and you know that you only have room in your life for those that have your best intentions at heart.
8. You get rid of all of your destructive habits.

If you used to eat too many unhealthy foods, drink alcohol at unhealthy levels or for the wrong reasons, or smoke, do not be surprised if you no longer want to engage in any of those old habits. You now are beginning to see that long-term success entails giving up short-term gratifications. Now that you understand and truly embrace this ideology, you are able to simply leave the bad habits behind.
9. You are more productive than you have ever been before.

You have a laser-like focus on your goals, so you are able to get more done. You work more efficiently because you are more present in everything you do. No longer do you submit to distractions. Your priorities are clear (perhaps thanks to a vision board), and you don’t waste any time. You are doing what needs to be done to achieve your dreams. Your stress levels are down, too, because you have a sense of the bigger picture, and you can see how it all fits together.
10. You no longer feel the need to compete.

You forget why you always felt the need to prove yourself before. You no longer need to compete with everyone because you no longer compare yourself to others. You now know that by helping others instead of competing with them, you are helping yourself and improving your future.
11. You have an immense sense of gratitude.

You appreciate all you have in life and all the things you will have in the future. Gratitude is part of your daily quiet time. You see all of the good in the world, and you are grateful for it. While you know that there is much work to do, you are grateful that you can be a part of the solution instead of the problem.
As you shift to this new perspective on what it means to be a decent human being, your entire life changes. You think back to the person that you used to be and realize how immature and selfish you were compared with the person you are today. You’ve made significant changes, and you will forever have more power.

Embrace these changes as they will bring you a higher level of satisfaction with your own life, as well as an innate ability to help others. These changes are a good thing because they mean you are shifting to something better, so make peace knowing that the changes are leading you to a more fulfilling life. You are becoming the amazing person that you were born to be.