A lack of drive makes people do these things.
Success at anything requires both a set of skills and a can-do attitude. Lots of people have the required skills or can pick them up easily, but just as many lack the kind of ambition and discipline that allows them to realize their full potential. Those who don’t have the drive to excel often engage in the following behaviors.
1. Procrastination.
Procrastination is a way for someone with potential to avoid the possibility of success or failure. Failure is an obvious problem. No one really wants to fail, as valuable as failing can be. But some people are afraid of success because success means that things will change, and change is scary. According to researchers at Carleton University, procrastination means neither success nor failure can occur because nothing much gets done. That’s why it is so harmful, because once some opportunities are gone, they’re gone forever.
2. Making excuses.
Rationalization is often used as a tool to find any excuse to not do the work. They may blame circumstances, a lack of resources, or perfect timing rather than taking accountability for themselves. There is always some reason why they can’t try. Usually, these excuses are pretty flimsy or not all that rooted in reality. For example, waiting for the perfect time—there is no perfect time.
3. Over-planning without action.
There is a difference between analysis paralysis and over-planning as avoidance. Analysis paralysis is when you get swamped in the research and too many options. In contrast, people who over-plan without action are spending an excessive amount of time looking for more information or developing strategy so as to avoid moving past the planning stage. According to researchers at the University of Nevada, that gives them the freedom to not try because they’ve created a valid reason for themselves not to.
4. Avoiding discomfort.
You must be willing to face discomfort if you want to grow. Growth doesn’t happen in a place of peace or serenity. Growth is challenging and sometimes painful. People who are averse to discomfort are unmotivated to change and grow because they will feel uncomfortable while doing it. They may dread the idea, finding themselves overwhelmed with anxiety. Alternatively, they may just not want to be uncomfortable, and choose to avoid it for that reason alone.
5. Seeking distractions.
Distractions are an easy way to keep from working on one’s goals. They may favor low-effort activities, social media, or entertainment over personal growth or meaningful work. Again, it circles back to avoidance. It’s easy to chew up hours of your day with meaningless things if you really want to. Society provides us with plenty of distractions that can keep a person from reaching their full potential if they don’t focus and work.
6. Dwelling on the past.
Instead of focusing on the present or looking to the future, they diminish their own motivation by focusing on their past failures and missed opportunities. They self-sabotage their own efforts, even when they decide to make them, by focusing on all that negativity. That allows them to rationalize why they just can’t try, and why they will fail if they do.
7. Downplaying their abilities.
Sometimes, people can convince themselves that their potential just isn’t good enough. They reason that since other people can do it better, there is no point in them doing it, too. This is also an easy way to accidentally cultivate a fear of failure or rejection. Even if they do find the motivation to try, they may still feel as though their efforts will be in vain.
8. Waiting for motivation.
A person who waits on motivation is derailing their own success. Motivation is an emotion, and like most emotions, it is fleeting. It’s discipline and habit that drive one toward the success they want to experience. People waiting for motivation are waiting to feel inspired or full of energy before starting, which means they may never start. Success is found in cultivating discipline and habits.
9. Comparing themselves to others.
Everyone is on their own journey. Some people compare their journey to others and stray from their path of progress. They convince themselves that because they aren’t as far along, aren’t as educated, aren’t as well-connected, that there’s no reason to even try. They don’t realize that everyone has something unique to offer, as we are all unique people with our own perspectives.
10. Settling for mediocrity.
Accepting mediocrity is to be okay with unfulfilling situations and routines. They may have zero drive because they’ve convinced themselves that change isn’t possible or worth the effort, whether it is or not. In many cases, people who settle for mediocrity tell themselves that they are happy with it, even if they aren’t deep down. It’s okay to want a simple life regardless of potential, but it is perfectly possible to maintain a simple life while pursuing your best life.