The happiest among us do these things – and so can you.

No matter what your goals are, all of them share one common theme—that they will improve your life overall and make you happier. While happiness is subjective, it can be cultivated by our daily habits and mindset. Here are 12 habits of people who radiate joy and how each of them can contribute to a more fulfilling life.
1. Practicing gratitude.

Happier people are often found to appreciate the little things that life has to offer. Research shows that practicing gratitude can not only reduce feelings of resentment, but can also improve physical attributes like your heart health. The next time you feel low, try writing down three things you are grateful for to remind yourself of the good that exists in life.
2. Maintaining strong relationships.

Happiness is contagious. By investing your time and energy into nurturing healthy relationships with family, friends, and your general community, you are also building a fortress of emotional support that you can depend on when you come across tougher times, as well as creating a sense of belonging within your community.
3. Engaging in regular physical activity.

Exercise doesn’t just get you into physical shape; it is also known to be a powerful mood booster. Exercise releases endorphins, also known as “feel-good” hormones, into your system. According to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), incorporating physical activity into your daily routine will not only have physical benefits, but also boost mental clarity and reduce anxiety.
4. Pursuing passions and hobbies.

Is there an activity you used to enjoy when you were younger, but fell out of practice as you got older? Maybe it was playing a musical instrument or participating in a team sport. No matter what your chosen hobby is, carving time out of your week for it provides an effective outlet for you to reduce stress and generate feelings of accomplishment and joy.
5. Helping others.

Think of the last time you did something kind for someone else. How did that make you feel? If “I felt good” is your answer, there’s a reason for that. By helping others, you are not only making others happier, but also boosting your happiness. Engaging in these acts also creates a sense of connection that reinforces feelings of gratitude and fulfillment.
6. Embracing optimism.

One obvious trait associated with happier people is that they tend to look at a glass as “half-full” rather than “half-empty.” Incorporating an optimistic outlook on life helps you to navigate the ups and downs with resilience. Instead of thinking about how tricky a problem is, happier people use this as an opportunity to figure out how to fix them.
7. Laughing often.

No one wakes up feeling happy every day. But what sets happier people apart from others is that they will find a way to cultivate those good feelings, more often through humor. Whether it’s a cheesy joke or a playful interaction, laughter can strengthen relationships and foster an overall positive environment. Laughter is the best medicine, after all.
8. Practicing self-care.

When you find yourself feeling down in the dumps, try engaging in a small act of self-care, such as taking a nice bubble bath or going on a hike, and see how you feel afterwards. Happier people prioritize these habits into their everyday lives for a good reason. Self-care not only prevents burnout, but also helps to reinforce a positive self-image and healthy self-esteem.
9. Learning continuously.

A commitment to lifelong learning keeps the mind sharp, engaged, and curious. People who are happier tend to seek out new experiences and learn new skills, which aids in fostering a growth mindset. Continuous learning also helps to keep life more exciting. Besides, have you ever known a bored person to be overly happy?
10. Living in the moment.

It is normal to feel worried about what is to come. But you can fight against the trepidation of the unknown that lay ahead by practicing living in the present. By savoring everyday moments and focusing on what you can control, you will be able to cultivate a deeper sense of contentment in your life overall. And when anxiety over the future goes down, overall happiness goes up.