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People who can tick 10 important lifestyle boxes are more successful than they think

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How many of these boxes can you tick?

Smiling older woman with gray hair and glasses stands outdoors, wearing a white blouse with black patterns. The background features a tree and a blurred street scene.
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It’s normal to sometimes feel like you’re not doing enough, even when you’re always on the go. But you might be surprised to find out just how many boxes you’ve already ticked on the unofficial “success” checklist! Let’s look at the everyday victories you’ve nailed–and without even realizing it.

1. You draw the line.

A man in a white t-shirt extends his hand toward the camera, palm facing forward, in a stop gesture. The background is softly blurred, emphasizing the hand's detail.
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As author and clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D. writes on Real Simple, “…we consciously and unconsciously use boundaries to let others know what is acceptable or appropriate.” If you’ve mastered when to say yes and when to say no, you’re doing more than adulting—you’re winning at life. You are able to protect your energy to make room for what truly matters. That’s not something that everyone can do, so you should be proud of yourself for achieving it!

2. You never stop learning.

A man with gray hair and glasses wearing a denim shirt is reading a book in a kitchen. He is leaning on a wooden table with a cup beside him. Sunlight is streaming through a window in the background.
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Have you got a stack of books on your nightstand? Are you subscribed to every educational podcast? That thirst for knowledge is driving you towards continuous growth. It makes you a lifelong learner and an ever-evolving success story, even if you don’t realize it. Not everyone has the passion to be this way, so a huge congratulations to you!

3. You’re good at bouncing back.

A woman with long hair smiles and looks to the side while standing outdoors. She is wearing a light sweater with a pink collar. The background is a blurred urban setting.
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Let’s get one thing straight—life is difficult for everyone. But when life throws you some curveballs, you face them head-on. You’re still standing! Resilience is a quiet but mighty sign of success, showing that you can face challenges and emerge stronger on the other side. Instead of giving up, you know that every problem is a chance to learn.

4. You have a good work-life balance.

A woman wearing a green shirt and colorful necklace is sitting at a table, using a laptop. Sunlight filters in through a window. A cup is on the table, and a blurred poster is in the background.
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We’d all like to have a good work-life balance, wouldn’t we? And for those people out there who can juggle their professional and personal lives without dropping the ball, you’re doing something right. This balance is very important for long-term happiness, especially since “Work is consistently and positively related to our wellbeing and constitutes a large part of our identity” according to Lis Ku, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, De Montfort University.

5. You’re financially smart.

A person in a plaid shirt inserts a coin into a pink piggy bank on a wooden table. A bookshelf is visible in the background.
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Managing your finances well is the best way to set yourself up for freedom and choices in the future. Even if you’re not able to feel those successes now, trust us, you’ll be grateful for them later. It doesn’t matter if you’re hoping to retire early or travel the world because you’ll definitely be ready for them. Everyone else will be left dreaming!

6. You handle criticism like a champ.

A woman with blonde hair, wearing glasses and a light blue top, is seated indoors, gesturing with one hand. She appears to be engaged in conversation with an out-of-focus person in the foreground. Sunlight is streaming through a window in the background.
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Taking criticism on the chin and using it to improve is a sign of maturity and growth. As such, anyone who can sift through feedback without getting defensive is far more successful than they might realize. With this skill set, you’re setting yourself up for even greater things because you’re constantly evolving and ready to tackle what life might throw at you.

7. You genuinely network.

A group of business professionals are engaged in a conversation. The woman in the center is smiling, and a man is holding a cup. They are wearing name tags, and the setting appears to be a networking event or conference.
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Rather than merely collecting contacts, you see networking as a way to build relationships that actually matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s with colleagues or friends, you’re the one connecting with people across various circles. Why? Because you know you’re setting yourself up for a whole range of opportunities that most people could only dream of. It’s pretty incredible!

8. You celebrate the small victories.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair passionately shouts with both fists clenched in front of a vibrant, colorful striped background. She appears to be celebrating or expressing excitement. She is wearing a green top.
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If you find joy in the little wins, like beating the morning rush or snagging the last slice of pizza, you’re already successful. These small victories keep your spirits high and your outlook positive. For you, the enjoyment comes from the ride as much as the destination. After all, you’re pretty much guaranteed to get there, so why not have some fun on the way?

9. You’re able to delegate.

Two women are engaged in a conversation at an office table. One woman with curly hair and glasses is speaking, holding a pen. The other woman, with straight hair, listens attentively with her chin resting on her hand. A laptop and pink mug are on the table.
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Everyone gets busy at times, but only the truly successful among us can avoid getting swamped. They’re the sort of people who know how to delegate tasks effectively, putting them a step ahead of the rest. They know that they can’t do everything alone. As a result, they trust others to handle things for them.

10. You aren’t mentally and physically attached to your devices.

A young girl lies on a gray couch, reading a book. She's wearing a yellow shirt and blue shorts. A black pet is beside her, and an orange cat rests on the couch's backrest. In the foreground, there's a table with a laptop, a smartphone, and some books, flanked by houseplants.
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It seems as though we’re all glued to screens, although successful people know when to step back. They’ll regularly unplug to recharge their own batteries, and if that sounds like you, then you’re doing something right. These breaks from the digital noise are important for your mental clarity. Without them, there’s no way you’d be able to focus on your tasks.

About The Author

Arvyn has been writing for several years and has been an English teacher for half of those. He has a degree in American & Canadian Studies, along with other teaching qualifications. When he’s not writing, he’s traveling, or looking after his cats.