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12 Types of People Who Will Only Ever Hold You Back in Life

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These 12 Types Of People Will Hold You Back If You Let Them

A woman sits on a couch looking upset, with her hands clasped in front. In the background, a man is seated and gesturing as if in conversation. The scene is set in a living room with soft lighting.
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As you make your way through life, you’ll come across people who will help you succeed, and those who will hold you back. Those who fall into the following categories will try to keep you from attaining your dreams – don’t let them.

1. The Possessor

A woman sits on a couch holding a pillow and a pregnancy test, looking emotional. A man leans in from behind, gently holding her shoulder, offering comfort. They are in a softly lit room with a lamp in the background.
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This type of person will treat you like you’re their property. According to WebMD, they will try to control your time and keep track of your schedule. They’ll try to manipulate you into doing what they want, rather than what you want, and might even threaten self-harm if you leave them to follow your own passions. Watch out for sabotage, or “trapping” behavior like an unplanned pregnancy.

2. The Resenter

A woman in a red tank top and jeans gestures with her hands while talking to another person on a sunny patio. The background features a metal railing and a building.
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A person who resents you for your achievements will sulk when you do well and try to make you feel bad about your success. According to Healthline, people who harbor a lot of resentment are often those who play the victim. They may imply that you only got where you are because of privileges they will never attain, and will invalidate anything you’re proud of accomplishing.

3. The Regretter

A woman sits on a couch with her hand on her forehead, appearing upset. A man next to her clasps his hands together, as if pleading or apologizing. Both individuals are casually dressed, and the room appears bright with large windows in the background.
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This person will get back in touch with you after ending a relationship or friendship, try to rekindle things, and then either break up with you or ghost you. Then, months or years later, they’ll circle back around and do it again, expressing deep regret and apologies for their actions. Don’t be fooled – this time won’t be different.

4. The Lost

A couple sits closely on a sofa, with the woman embracing the man from behind. They both have serious expressions, gazing thoughtfully in the same direction. The background is softly blurred, suggesting an indoor setting.
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Someone like this has no idea of who they are or what they really want in life, and will treat you like a tether for themselves. They can’t bear the thought of you moving on without them because they won’t know what to do with themselves once you’re gone.

5. The Dominator

An older man with glasses sits closely beside a younger woman, gently embracing her with one arm. They are looking at each other, smiling warmly, in a cozy setting with soft lighting and a plant in the background.
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This is the type of person who will attempt to rule your life, and that includes living vicariously through you. It’s common with parents who want their children to follow a particular life path. They give their kids all kinds of grief unless their actions coincide with what they want from them.

6. The Competitor

Two men in business suits and ties crouching in starting positions on a running track, ready to race. The background shows a blurred stadium with empty seating. The image symbolizes competition in the business world.
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Everything you can do, they can do better — or so they think. They’ll try to one-up you in every endeavor, whether it’s buying more expensive items than you have, or trying to outdo you in academic or professional achievement. If it’s a family member, they may try to compete with you for a parent or child’s love.

7. The Saboteur

A man sitting at a desk holds up his hand while talking on the phone, appearing to be in a discussion with a woman standing in front of him. In the background, a woman on a laptop and a man on a smartphone are visible.
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This type of person will set you up for failure, and then imply that you were the architect of your own misfortune. If you depend upon them for a ride to a job interview (or a date), they’ll be late or have a sudden family emergency, leaving you in the lurch and kiboshing your opportunity.

8. The User

A man with dark hair and a beard is sitting in a stylishly furnished room, looking down at his smartphone. He is dressed in a dark blazer, white shirt, and light gray trousers, with a red pocket square. Shelves filled with various items are in the background.
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A person like this will come into your life and try to sweep you off your feet. According to Psychology Today, they will try to sweet talk you or seduce you with gifts. However, none of their seduction is sincere, as they only want to use you to their advantage. Be wary of their needs, whether it’s a place to live, someone to support them financially, or citizenship.

9. The Deceiver

A woman in a blue shirt holds a coffee cup while engaging in conversation with someone off-camera. She appears animated and is using hand gestures. The background shows blurred windows with decorative patterns.
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You can never believe a single thing they say because almost everything that comes out of their mouth is a lie. They will carefully cultivate a persona that appeals to you, but it’s utterly contrived. If you fall for anything they offer, it’ll be to your detriment, since they lie to gain advantages, not give them.

10. The Abuser

A woman with long blonde hair, sitting on a gray sofa, looks distressed as she focuses on a clenched fist in the foreground. The background features a white brick wall.
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Abuse causes harm on countless levels, from destroying your self-esteem to damaging your physical and mental health. It’s damn near impossible to get ahead in life when someone significant in your life is breaking you down for their own purpose.

11. The Passive Tyrant

Two women are sitting together on a wooden bench. One woman with long, gray hair is talking to the other woman, who has long, black hair and is looking up with a thoughtful expression. Both are wearing beige coats. The background is slightly blurred but suggests an outdoor setting.
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People like this prey on other people’s empathy by weaponizing victimhood and incompetence to force others to take care of and support them. They behave like prey but are actually predators who are self-serving and have no regard for other people’s wants or needs.

12. The Procrastinator

A woman with her feet on a desk is playfully holding a paper airplane. She has long brown hair, wears a green shirt and gray pants. On the desk are headphones, a notebook, a pen, a glass of water, and a potted plant in the background.
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You can never depend on this person, because they perpetually put plans and personal effort off for as long as they can. As deadlines loom, they’ll keep coming up with reasons about why they’ll do the thing you need “soon”, but that magical day never arrives. Or if it does, it’s too late.

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.