You’ve likely met some particularly interesting characters over the course of your life who have stood out enough to remain in your memory. Most of us have met at least a few of these types, whose energy and characteristics have set them apart from the herd and left a lasting, positive impression upon us. Here are 12 unusual but endearing traits they often possess.
1. They interact with strangers in a friendly and easy manner.
We’re talking face-to-face rather than online, where it’s easy to engage with random strangers.
In person, these folks might compliment someone on their magnificent hat, ask about the book they’re reading, or simply share a sincere, contagious smile as they pass.
Instead of being unnerving or menacing, they have an air of friendliness and kindness about them that others can’t help but gravitate towards. In fact, most people feel at ease in their company, including small children and animals.
2. They aren’t taking part in what everyone else is doing.
You’ve likely noticed that most of the people you’ll see waiting for a bus, train, or airplane are staring at their phones. As such, those who are reading a book, looking around, or knitting can’t help but stand out from the crowd.
Similarly, if you see a group of people following each other’s example like sheep, there will inevitably be one person who’s staring at them in amusement and refusing to follow along solely for the sake of doing so. And with good reason, according to Psychology Today. This “herd behavior” is usually a result of information cascade, where people copy other people’s behaviors or choices without critically appraising them first. And this can frequently result in nonsensical, or even stupid behaviors, which this experiment depicts perfectly.
3. They have their own individual sense of style.
According to a study done in Denmark, people who adhere to fashion trends seem to be more materialistic, whereas those who cultivate their own sense of style have a stronger sense of individuality. Those who wear what they like and listen to the music they enjoy instead of following the herd inevitably stand out in a sea of sameness.
These types of people are less likely to be influenced by peer pressure and instead stand by their own standards of morals and ethics.
4. They’re often community-minded.
While most people these days avoid their neighbors like the plague and don’t engage much with their community, these folks might have a free book library, food pantry, or similar communal offering at the edge of their property for others to use and enjoy.
These are also the people who will share garden seeds and/or produce with their neighbors, or try to organize community events like garage sales. Additionally, if someone nearby is in need, they’ll inevitably show up with a casserole or baked goods to help out.
5. They don’t take offense easily.
These individuals don’t take things personally: they realize that those who lash out at them are usually projecting their own frustration and pain. Whatever they’re being awful about is a reflection of what’s going on inside them, rather than anyone else.
This awareness allows them to let a lot of hostility slide over them, rather than getting overwhelmed by it. It’s a trait that can seem almost magical to most as it allows them to maintain focus and calm rather than being affected by another’s turmoil.
6. They remain open-minded and easy-going with others from all walks of life.
These people are immensely accepting and non-judgemental when it comes to others’ lifestyles, choices, and individuality. They don’t feel threatened by those who are different from them. Instead, they encourage individuality and authenticity in those they interact with.
It’s very much a “live and let live” mentality, but don’t F with them. They’re the first to defend and protect those who are marginalized due to their differences and they don’t allow others to take advantage of their benevolence, nor pressure them into following any herd.
7. They’re very knowledgeable across a wide range of subjects.
Whereas most people spend their free time watching comfort TV series or socializing, these folks use theirs to immerse themselves in countless different subjects that fascinate them. This likely began in childhood and has led them to possess an almost savant level of knowledge.
You can be near certain that they have at least some knowledge of just about any topic imaginable, and if they don’t already know a fair bit about it, they’ll make a point of educating themselves accordingly.
8. They’re very eager to try new things.
Rather than remaining within the confines of their comfort zones, they have a strong sense of adventure when it comes to new experiences. These are people who have tried every type of world cuisine they can get their hands on, and many make a point of traveling whenever they have the opportunity to do so.
Instead of shying away from things that are different from what they’re accustomed to, they give in to their natural curiosity and bravery and may try everything from skydiving to sandboarding.
9. They don’t rattle easily.
We live in an age of immense anxiety, so those who aren’t overwhelmed or shaken easily seem to be in the minority. This doesn’t mean they don’t get scared in terrifying situations, but things that might unnerve or upset others won’t rattle them much.
They tend to remain emotionally neutral, yet vigilant when things go badly, and are the first to leap into action when the situation calls for it, rather than getting overwhelmed and freezing out of fear.
10. They often have unusual animal companions.
Instead of having a more commonplace pet like a cat or a dog, they might have an iguana named Bob or a capybara chilling in their bathtub on any given day. They usually love animals dearly, but their love of unorthodox, unique beings generally leads them to choose more unusual companions.
Ferrets, tortoises, fennec foxes, and pygmy goats are just a few animals they might select as family members, but not together, of course. They’re incredibly diligent about their animals’ well-being and may prefer their company over humans.
11. They have niche passions.
While most others around them are obsessing over Taylor Swift, they’re listening to Mongolian folk metal. Maybe they’re crafting their own guitar from scratch, breeding mantids, or dyeing yarn with local plants. They inevitably have interests and passions that go beyond what most of their peers are into.
While some people may accuse them of being intentionally weird or different in an attempt to seek attention, the reality is that they just aren’t interested in whatever the crowd is doing.
12. They always have something positive to focus on.
Regardless of whatever difficulty they may be struggling with, they always have a bright point of light to focus on. Maybe they have a cause that they’re passionate about and pour their energy into regularly, or they prioritize small pleasures and indulgences on a daily basis.
No matter what it is they’re going through, they’ll find a silver lining to help get them through it. Furthermore, their positivity is contagious and may help others through great difficulty at the same time.