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12 Phrases Guaranteed To Hit Harder Than “I Love You”

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“I love you” has become a phrase that’s often overused and offhand. We express our love for our pets, plants, and favorite meals with this phrase, so it’s lost the impact it once had. If you want to go for a harder-hitting approach, try using some of the phrases below instead when it comes to expressing how you feel.

1. “I would always choose you.”

It’s natural to worry that you’re not enough, so whether you’re talking to family, friends, or partners, this phrase is a lovely reminder that despite what a person thinks of themselves, you love them unconditionally and would choose them no matter what.

This phrase can hit especially hard for a person who may feel insecure about one of your past partners whom they feel was somehow “better” than they were. You’re letting them know that they’re the one you chose and no other.

2. “I really appreciate everything you do for me”

“I love you” has become such a default response for most people that many assume it’s simply an empty platitude. In contrast, recognizing what someone does for you and expressing your gratitude shows them that their efforts are seen and valued, according to Psychology Today.

To make sure it hits hardest, express exactly what it is that you appreciate, rather than simply saying it like a blanket statement. Be specific about the things they do that mean the world to you, so they know that their efforts aren’t falling flat.

3. “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”

Most people are far too critical about themselves in relationships. When they look in a mirror, they see their flaws and all the things they feel are “wrong” about them in comparison to others, according to Simply Psychology.

In contrast, those we love are perfect in our eyes. What they see as imperfections are beautiful to us, and their struggles make them even braver and stronger from our perspective. If they could see themselves as we see them, they might love themselves almost as much as we do.

4. “There’s nobody I would rather be with than you.”

This one is particularly poignant if your partner feels insecure — especially through comparison with other people. They might express the idea that you’d be happier with someone else who’s “better” than they are.

By telling them that you wouldn’t want to be with anyone but them, it reassures them that you’re not only happy with them, but that nobody else could fill the space that they hold beside you.

5. “You’re more important than _______.”

Whatever it is that you value highly in your life, using this phrase lets the recipient know that they’re more important to you than that item, pursuit, etc. Even if you prioritize that over most other things, you’re telling them that they take precedence over that, always.

This is also a playful approach that can make them smile when they’re having a rough day. Letting them know that they’re more important than sports, your favorite TV show, hobby, or ice cream will undoubtedly brighten their spirits.

6. “I want you to be a part of my goals and dreams, and I want to be a part of yours.”

Beyond being a very sweet thing to say, you’re moving past the perception of the person into the realm of their long-term goals and dreams. This phrase has the essence of true marriage; binding yourself lovingly to the realization of both your life plans.

Essentially, you’re exchanging the daydream of a preconceived ideal into a situation where both partners are co-creating and existing within each others’ dreams. Additionally, you’re letting the other person know that you’d like to help them achieve their greatest goals.

7. “Nothing is complete until I’ve shared it with you.”

This was something that Hal, the father from Malcolm in the Middle, said to his wife one day, and it’s one of the most beautiful sentiments imaginable. When a person loses their spouse, one of their greatest pains is not being able to share wonderful things with the one they love most anymore.

Whether it’s a funny meme or a snack we’ve picked up en route home, it’s always so much better when we can share it. If we can’t, we lose most of the joy associated with it.

8. “It’s okay: you can have the last one.”

You can always tell that someone really cares about you when they put your appetite before theirs — especially when you know it’s something they really like. Whether it’s the last Toblerone, a glass of wine, etc., they always leave the last for you.

Things get especially sweet when both partners end up doing this for each other, as it shows that each of them is prioritizing the other’s happiness over their own. They might really want that last bit of brie, but they’d rather see their partner enjoy it instead.

9. “My world would be cold and empty without you.”

A phrase like this expresses to a person that their presence in your life is so monumental that their absence would be excruciating. This is an oblique way of saying “You complete me” without being unnecessarily trite.

The basics of life may be able to struggle onward without sunshine, but it isn’t going to flourish without the light and warmth that the sun offers. This phrase expresses that things wouldn’t be the same if this person was no longer in your life.

10. “I throw all my dictionaries in the fire, and name you my language.”

This one is for the terribly romantic. It was written by Nizar Qabbani — a celebrated Syrian diplomat, writer, and poet, and perfectly exemplifies what happens when another person takes over all of your senses and re-creates every facet of your existence.

While some of the phrases listed here are meant to reassure others of how much you care, this one expresses in no uncertain terms just how passionately you feel about the one you love. Whatever came before has ceased to exist: they are all that remain.

11. “I have crossed oceans of time to find you.”

Ok, this one is pretty dramatic, but if you’ve ever felt as though you’ve met the one you love before (possibly in another lifetime), then this phrase should hit hard. Although it was coined in Bram Stoker’s book Dracula, it can apply to any relationship that seems to have been written in the stars.

Should the one you’re with seem to be your soulmate, the one you were fated to be with in each and every lifetime, then make that known with a phrase like this one.

12. “I have no words, my voice is in my sword.”

This last one is a quote by McDuff from Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. The hardest-hitting thing you can do for your partner is to say something wonderful, but then always back it up with action. Nothing is stronger in this world than showing how much you care instead of merely saying it.

Many people say things like “I would take a bullet for you” or “You’re my ride or die”. Until that happens, it’s all meaningless, self-promoting bluster. Never mind taking the imaginary bullet: do the dishes without being asked instead.

About The Author

Finn Robinson has spent the past few decades travelling the globe and honing his skills in bodywork, holistic health, and environmental stewardship. In his role as a personal trainer and fitness coach, he’s acted as an informal counselor to clients and friends alike, drawing upon his own life experience as well as his studies in both Eastern and Western philosophies. For him, every day is an opportunity to be of service to others in the hope of sowing seeds for a better world.