Has indifference found its way into your relationship?
Do you feel as though you’ve lost the connection you had with your partner?
Have you stopped caring what they say or do and feel as though you’re just drifting through each day together rather than actually going anywhere in your relationship?
If these feelings are something you’ve been experiencing, it sounds like you’re becoming indifferent to them.
These signs confirm it…
1. You don’t argue.
Contrary to belief, sometimes a sign that a relationship is on the rocks isn’t constant arguing, but just the opposite.
When you argue with your partner, at least you’re feeling some emotion toward them rather than being totally indifferent to what they say or do.
Although arguing is not pleasant or something you want to happen all the time, if you’re able to overcome these spats in a constructive way by apologizing to each other and understanding how to change your relationship for the better, then you’re still learning about each other and making your relationship stronger.
If you’ve stopped reacting to anything your partner says or does because you’re indifferent, then your relationship will just stagnate where it is.
You have to be invested in your relationship for it to have a future, and sometimes that means fighting for it. If you’re not interested in doing that then the situation you’re stuck in will never change.
2. You don’t communicate.
Communication is what keeps any relationship alive. Without effective communication between a couple, the relationship is unlikely to last.
Communication is more than just asking your partner how their day was, it’s about making sure you’re both getting what you need out of your relationship.
It takes time to learn how to establish an effective method of communication between you, especially when trying to solve disagreements or express emotions, to make sure you get your point across clearly while still being sensitive to each other.
If you’ve stopped communicating and become indifferent to your partner then you’re not giving them the chance to make things right between you. Not talking about an issue doesn’t make it go away, and if you can’t communicate with them then you’ll never be able make your relationship stronger.
You should be with someone that you want to share your experiences with and feel confident expressing your emotions in front of. If you don’t try to communicate with your partner then you’re not giving your relationship a chance.
You can’t expect them to solve an issue that they don’t know is there, so if you really want to fix this, then it’s time to start opening up.
3. You lie to each other.
It’s going to be difficult to know if your partner lies to you, but you will know how often you lie to them.
This is more than just little white lies, this is lying about something you know would upset your partner if they found out and not feeling guilty about it.
Lying to your partner risks the trust you’ve built between you and shows a lack of respect for them. Trust and respect make up the foundation of a relationship, and if you’re happy to risk this for your own personal gain, then you’re clearly not prioritizing your relationship in the way you should be.
4. You don’t miss each other when you’re apart.
Taking time for yourself when you’re in a relationship is important. As much as you’re a couple, you are also two individuals with separate needs, and it’s healthy to make sure you’re working on yourself as much as you are your relationship.
If you realize that you don’t miss your partner when you take time apart, so much so that they don’t even factor into your thoughts, it could be a sign that you’ve become indifferent to them.
As happy as you are doing something just for you, the connection you have with your partner should naturally make life better just by being with them.
If you’re indifferent to whether you’re around each other or not, then it suggests you’ve stopped valuing the time you do share together and you’re not getting the joy out of your relationship that you should be.
You both deserve to be with someone you genuinely want to spend your day with because it’s better when they are there. If you don’t have that in this relationship, then maybe you need to make room for you both to find it with someone else.
5. You’re drifting through your relationship.
Just because nothing bad seems to be happening, it doesn’t mean anything good is happening in your relationship either.
Drifting through day by day, not engaging with your partner or making an effort to work on your relationship is a sign that you’ve become indifferent to whether you’re together or not.
You’re neither caring enough to put in any effort to fix the situation between you, nor feel strongly enough to call things off. You’ve quite literally stopped caring.
Successful relationships take constant work. As time goes on, it takes even more effort to keep the romance alive between you, and there will always be ways you can improve on what you already have.
If you’re just going through the motions without actually connecting to the relationship you’re in, then neither of you are getting anything positive out of it.
Don’t just let things carry on because you’re used to them. Yes, making a change isn’t always easy, but it’s something that needs to happen to allow both of you to have more than just a passive existence alongside each other.
6. You’ve stopped offering an opinion.
You should always try your best to be engaged and listen to your partner. If there are any issues going on in your lives, it’s each other you should naturally turn to for advice and support on how to make it through.
If your partner has stopped offering their opinion when you ask for it, it sounds as though they’ve become indifferent to how you feel and have little desire to get involved and support you in the way you need.
This goes both ways. Do you really listen when your partner talks to you? Do you offer advice when they need it or do you just try to avoid getting involved?
As partners, you are committing to supporting each other through the good times and the bad. It could be as simple as needing an opinion on an outfit, or it could be something much more serious. Either way you’re there to lean on if one of you needs it.
Indifference isn’t an option when you care about someone. Caring and getting involved with your partner’s decisions comes with the territory of being in a relationship and if that’s no longer for you, then maybe this relationship isn’t either.
7. You’ve stopped taking an interest in yourself.
If you’re feeling disconnected from your own relationship, think about how you feel about other areas of your life too.
When you’ve become unmotivated and disconnected with yourself, it’s difficult to be able to give back into a relationship in a meaningful way.
When you’re feeling negative internally, you could be unconsciously taking out these feelings on those closest to you and retreating from your relationship.
The success of a relationship rests on how each of you feels about yourselves. If you’re not connected with yourself or interested in where your life is headed, then it’s going to be hard to connect with your partner and take an interest in them too.
You may need to dedicate some time to figuring out what it is that makes you tick. Decide if you need to make some life changes to give you purpose again and start being able to give back to your relationship to be able to get the best out of it.
8. You’ve stopped trying to make each other happy.
Remember what it was like at the start of your relationship when all you wanted to do was spend time together and see each other smile?
Maybe you surprised each other with gifts or dates or just laughed together all the time. Seeing your partner happy made you happy, and even if the gifts and surprises stopped as you settled into your relationship, that want to make your partner feel good shouldn’t go away.
You can tell there’s an issue in your relationship when one or both of you barely notice a change in the other’s emotions and making each other happy has stopped being a priority.
Things might not always be perfect in your relationship, but even on your off days, you should want to help each other be the best versions of yourselves.
Caring about each other’s happiness comes with being in love and having someone there to always lift you up and back your corner is one of the best parts of a relationship. If you don’t make each other feel that way then what are you getting out of staying together?