8 Brain Training Hacks To Become More Empathetic Towards People

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Do these things to become a more empathetic person.

Two women sit on a white sofa, engaged in conversation. The woman on the left, wearing a red sweater, has a concerned expression and gestures with her hand on her chest. The woman on the right, in a beige top, listens attentively while holding a black mug.

There are plenty of reasons to seek to increase your empathetic capabilities so that you can relate to and understand other people. But how can you go about actually achieving this goal? Well, here are 8 methods that you can use in your life starting today.

1. Practice Listening, Not Simply Hearing

A man and a woman are sitting on a teal couch, engaged in a conversation. The man, with a beard, is wearing a light blue shirt, while the woman, with long brown hair, is wearing a beige sweater. She has an open hand gesture, indicating she is speaking.

When you enter a discussion with another person, the natural tendency is to take in what they are saying, but process it at a very superficial level so that you may compute a suitable response. This is fine when you are just chatting with them about their holidays or day-to-day topics.

When the conversation turns more serious, however, and a greater emotional element is present, you need to switch from merely hearing their words to genuinely listening to them and paying attention to their meaning.

Forget about getting a response ready in your head while they are still talking – this will be a distraction. Instead, clear your mind of any other thoughts and simply focus on their voice, their words, and their non-verbal cues so that you may absorb as much of their story as you can.

The more thoroughly you are able to listen, the better you will become at recognizing subtle differences between emotions and this is a fundamental element of empathy.

2. Imagine Yourself As The Other Person

Two women sit at an outdoor café table on a cobblestone sidewalk. The woman on the right holds a cup, has long brown hair, and wears red lipstick. Both are wrapped in shawls, with autumn leaves in the foreground. The background shows buildings and a blurred street view.

It may sound obvious, but being able to put yourself in the shoes of another and see through their eyes is an effective way to grow the empathy you have for them.

We rarely seek to do this in our daily lives and prefer to see individuals as a collection of labels. We may look at a person and think they are being dramatic, pretentious, silly, or weak, but these are just abstract constructs that bear little resemblance to the complexity of real people.

Instead, if you can try and imagine yourself in their position, with their life experiences and their character, you might be able to understand the reasons for their thoughts and actions. You’ll be able to see beyond the labels you have previously given them and connect with their underlying being.

3. See The Human

A young woman with long hair, wearing a white top and light gray cardigan, smiles and raises her hand for a high-five with a man in a city park. The man, seen from behind, mirrors her gesture. Trees and a walkway are visible in the background.

Tying in with the previous point about stepping into the shoes of others; when you go about your daily business, try to purposefully notice the people who touch your life. Don’t just ignore or mindlessly interact with them, but look right into their faces and see the human being inside.

You will likely have many opportunities to practice this on a daily basis, whether when walking down the street, ordering your daily cuppa at the local coffee shop, or conversing with colleagues and clients at work.

And you don’t even have to physically interact with someone to consider the intricate web of connections you have with others. When you eat your store-bought sandwich at lunchtime, think about all the individuals who have played a part in making it; the farmer, the baker, the cashier at the shop, the drivers who deliver ingredients around the country, and the person who actually layered it all together, cut it, and packaged it ready for you to eat. That sandwich is more than just something to ease your hunger; that sandwich is a link to the rest of humanity.

The more often you can recognize the roles that other people play in your life, the more likely you are to appreciate them and see yourself as part of a community and not as an individual. This will go a long way to building empathy for those around you.

4. Challenge Your Prejudices

Four women are smiling and taking a group selfie. They are wearing casual tops and showing a variety of joyful expressions. The background is simple and unobtrusive, keeping the focus on their happy faces.

People are very much inclined to see themselves as part of several different groups and these help to create an identity. They also lead to conflict and suspicion when members of different groups are forced into confrontation.

Whether these lines are drawn between racial, gender, class, or religious differences, an attitude of “us and them” naturally prevails. Such an attitude is a barrier to empathy.

If you wish to enhance your ability to empathize, you should try to challenge the beliefs and prejudices that have emerged from your identification as a member of a particular group.

In reality, there is nothing to differentiate you from any other person; there is no “us and them” because both “us” and “them” are simply constructs of your mind as part of a collective group mind.

So, to enable greater empathy, you must remove these barriers and experience other people just as humans, and as equals in all respects regardless of the differences you might observe on the outside.

5. Find Commonalities

A group of people sits around a table in a casual restaurant, engaged in conversation. The photo is taken through a reflective glass window, creating a soft, slightly blurred effect. Plates, glasses, and a purse are visible on the table.

To aid you in fighting your prejudices and learning greater empathy, it is helpful to focus not on what makes you different to others, but on what you may have in common.

If you are able to identify characteristics of a person that you can relate to, you will experience a far greater level of understanding and care when interacting with them.

Knowing that you share a commonality – whatever that may be – will help blur the boundaries between your inner self and their inner self and enable you to engage with their feelings as if they were your own.

Greater empathy can therefore be found, not by keeping people at arm’s length, but by seeking ways to feel mentally and spiritually closer to them.

6. Always Be Curious

Two young women are sitting on a couch, facing each other. One woman with long dark hair is holding the hand of the other woman with curly hair, who appears upset, resting her head in her hand. Both are wearing casual clothes in a living room setting.

As we get older, our social circles tend to get smaller and smaller and this can inhibit our ability to expand the empathetic areas of our brains.

Instead, look for opportunities to engage with those people who you would otherwise have no reason to speak to. Strike up a conversation with a stranger and try to find out what their world view is; see if you can speak to people of different ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, or political persuasions.

The wider you cast your net, the greater variety of thoughts and beliefs you’ll encounter and these will help you appreciate that yours is not the only way to live a life.

Again, the understanding you’ll gain will help humanize other people and other groups, and it will break down long-held preconceptions that might have prevented you from empathizing with them.

7. Fake It At First

Two women are having a conversation outdoors near an urban overpass. One woman, with blonde hair, is wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt and has her arms crossed. The other woman, with curly hair, is wearing a red sleeveless top and dark pants, and is gesturing with her hands.

There is much to be said about how the mind influences behavior, but there is a great deal of feedback going in the opposite direction.

Empathy is not just an emotional process, it is a way of being, a way of acting and a way of caring. Even if you don’t feel empathy for someone straight away, if you behave from an empathetic point of view, your mind can and will follow your direction.

Just by showing a caring attitude, you can generate a caring feeling and, from this, empathy can develop in its entirety.

8. Read Fiction

A woman with long dark hair sits at a wooden table in a cozy café, intently reading a book. She rests her chin on her hand, wearing a white sweater. A pair of glasses and a blue cup are on the table to her right. The background is softly lit and blurred.

Studies have shown that people who read fictional novels regularly possess a greater capacity for empathy.

Just by reading such tales, you exercise the parts of your brain that are used in empathy, thus strengthening neural pathways. Using your imagination to step into the shoes of a fictional character makes it easier for you to do the same when it comes to your interactions in the real world.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.