If A Woman Does These 18 Things, She’s Physically Attracted To You

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These are common signs of physical attraction.

A woman with blonde hair and glasses holds a white mug, adjusting her glasses with her other hand, while looking at a man with dark hair. The man, wearing a brown jacket, holds a cup and smiles at her. They sit on a couch with a large window in the background.

Whether she gives away subtle hints or practically turns into a billboard sign in front of your face, once you know the signs, it’s pretty obvious to spot when a woman is physically attracted to you.

Let’s be clear, being physically attracted to you doesn’t necessarily mean that she wants to act on it or that wants to pursue a relationship with you.

It can simply mean she has the hots for you. Here are the signs to look out for.

1. She frequently checks you out or secretly stares.

A man and a woman enjoying glasses of red wine outdoors. They are standing close to each other, smiling and making eye contact. The setting appears to be a sunny day with trees and a building in the background. Both are dressed casually.

Just like guys check out girls, girls check out guys. She might do this subtly or openly, instantly or gradually, but rest assured that she will eye scan your entire body. She will be drawn to what she sees, so she’ll frequently do this, or secretly stare at you when she thinks that you’re not looking.

The expression, “Someone caught your eye” is really how it is. If she’s attracted to you, her eyes will constantly look for you and want to rest on your face, even if she’s trying to stop herself from doing that. Long, lingering looks are hard to hide!

You caught her eye, she got hooked on your look, and she wants to keep looking and admiring your appearance! That’s a great sign, however, keep in mind that this might be purely about physical attraction, not a desire to do anything about it.

2. She pays attention to your body language.

A joyful couple sits on a kitchen floor, smiling and enjoying a casual moment together with coffee mugs. The man, wearing a green shirt and jeans, sits next to the woman in a salmon top and jeans. Daylight streams in, highlighting the cozy, modern kitchen setting.

A woman who is physically attracted to you will want to make you happy, so she will look for body language cues and react accordingly. She will mirror your body language or react to it by, for example, changing the topic of the conversation or moving slightly nearer or further away.

Her body language will be open, and she’ll use it to give you cues as well. She might touch your leg with hers, brush something off your shoulder, or lean in to get closer.

3. She tries to be close to you.

A young man and woman are smiling at each other while sitting closely at an outdoor table. The man has short curly hair and is wearing a gray shirt. The woman has a short blonde hairstyle, wears a white hat, and a pink tank top. Drinks are visible in front of them.

She’ll want to be near you in every sense of the word. In a literal sense, this means that she’ll always try to sit or stand next to you or move closer if you’re already next to each other.

She will also lean forward while you talk, touch you, or simply stand a bit closer to you than normal.

She will try to get closer to you in a metaphorical sense, which means that she’ll want you to open up and share things about yourself, so she’ll use every opportunity to sit next to you and chat.

4. She frequently touches you “by accident.”

A man and a woman sit together at a table with a laptop in front of them. The man wears a brown coat and the woman has a white jacket, and they are smiling at each other. Two coffee cups are on the table, and the setting appears to be a bright, modern cafe.

You have a need to touch someone you’re attracted to. A woman attracted to you will also want to know how you respond to her touch, especially if she’s interested in pursuing you. She might touch your arm, hand, or shoulder, or even put her hand above your knee.

She might play footsies under the table, brush off you as she’s walking by, put her palm on your back, or simply get near you to the point that your knees are touching.

When she frequently touches you “by accident” it’s probably because she’s interested in you as well, not just to build chemistry. However, people can also do this subconsciously when they’re attracted to someone, without even realizing it. The difference is usually clear though.

5. Her tone of voice becomes lower and softer.

A man and woman sit on the grass, enjoying snacks. The man holds a guitar and dons a backpack, while both wear casual clothing. They are outdoors, possibly in a park, and in a relaxed, cheerful conversation.

People’s tone of voice often changes around a person they’re attracted to. If a woman is physically attracted to you, her tone of voice will likely become lower and softer. She might even use a seductive tone or just speak in a quieter, gentler voice.

She might talk slower and may use an opportunity to whisper something in your ear and gently touch your shoulder in an attempt to let you know she’s interested.

6. She gets excited when she sees you.

A woman in a party hat is pouring champagne into a glass held by a man at a festive gathering. They stand in a colorful room decorated with balloons and bunting, with other people and party supplies visible in the background. Both appear to be smiling and enjoying the moment.

If she gets excited and giddy when you walk into the room, you made her day just by showing up. She is physically attracted to you if she’s always happy and smiling when you are around, as long as she’s showing other signs from this list as well. Fidgeting is also something to look out for that demonstrates how excited she is, unless she’s just naturally a fidgegty person.

7. She offers to help you or gives you gifts.

A woman wearing an apron holds a tray of muffins, smiling at a man in a maroon shirt and glasses who is sitting at a table and smelling a muffin. The table has a laptop, notepad, and pencil on it. A rack of baked goods is in the background.

A person who likes you will offer to do things for you and/or offer free things to you. Women sometimes do the same thing when they are physically attracted to someone.

They try to win your attention by offering their help or giving gifts. This is a way of showing you how much you could benefit from this relationship, so it’s probably an attempt to push things further, and not just plain attraction.

If she is often frequently offering assistance (or asking for it) she’s probably into you. To make sure that she is not just a very friendly and generous person in general, always compare how she treats others to how she treats you. Like many of the signs on this list, it’s all about context.

Has anyone else gotten so much help from her or a small token of appreciation? Maybe she brought you your favorite coffee to work or she offered to clean your apartment after a party.

8. She asks you personal questions and wants to know more about the things that you’re passionate about.

A man and woman are sitting on a sandy beach with a golden retriever. The man, with long blonde hair and sunglasses, is holding the dog's leash. The woman, with a tattoo on her arm, is petting the dog and smiling. A bridge and cityscape are visible in the background.

Most women aren’t looking for just physical intimacy. So, when she feels physical attraction, she will try to explore whether there could be a potential relationship.

You’ve passed the test based on looks, but do you check all her boxes when it comes to your personality? To find this out, she will ask you about things you’re passionate about. If she’s into you, she’ll want to show you that she shares or at least gets your passions.

In an attempt to create a deeper bond and learn more about you faster, she’ll ask you personal questions and want you to open up to her so that she can decide whether there’s something more than physical attraction in the air.

9. She finds you hilarious.

A man and woman enjoy a sunny day outdoors. The man is wearing sunglasses and smiling, while the woman, dressed in a light brown cardigan over a white top, holds a red cup and laughs. The background shows greenery and a clear blue sky.

You’ve never thought of yourself as much of a stand-up comedian, but suddenly, there’s always at least one person in the audience who finds you hilarious. She laughs at basically anything you say—even if it’s not that funny.

In her eyes, you’re amusing, entertaining, and intelligent, and you have a great sense of humor. This might be true, or she pictures you that way for now, but she’ll definitely laugh at all of your jokes if she’s physically attracted to you.

10. She frequently compliments you.

A woman wearing a pink tank top, holding a towel and smiling, lays on an exercise mat next to a man doing sit-ups. The man has gray hair and is wearing a black shirt and shorts. They are in a bright room with large windows.

A person who is physically attracted to you wants you to feel good when you’re around them and maybe feel the same way about them too. So, they’ll frequently compliment you both on your physical appearance and your personality. Some women will approach this differently and tease you instead of complimenting you.

If she is playful and finds little ways to “insult you” in a joking manner, it could be her way of letting you know that she finds you appealing. So, whether she’s frequently complimenting you or frequently doing the opposite, it’s a good sign she’s physically attracted to you. To know whether that’s the case, or she’s just like that, see how she acts around others. Always look for more signs than one.

11. She hints that she’s available.

A woman with long brown hair and a striped shirt smiles, facing a man whose back is to the camera. They are in a brightly lit room with large windows and modern decor.

Someone who is attracted to you physically wants you to feel the same way about them, even if they’re not interested in being physically intimate or starting a relationship. So, she will hint that she’s available and make it as clear as possible that you are free to pursue her.

She will mention that she is single, looking for a partner, or currently not seeing anyone. If she is interested in a relationship with you, she will definitely do her best to make you aware that you can have that with her if you want to.

However, she might instead give subtle hints that she’s emotionally available if you happen to be interested.

12. She’s the one who regularly initiates the conversation.

A young woman with long dark hair is sitting against a wooden post, wearing patterned clothing and a headband. She has on headphones and is holding a smartphone, smiling as she looks at the screen. A cozy, patterned blanket is draped nearby.

Maybe you talk a lot, but have you noticed who always initiates the conversation? If a girl is physically attracted to you, she’ll want to know more about you, so she’ll definitely want to talk to you as much as possible.

She’ll usually be the one who initiates the conversation. This applies to communicating in real life as well as through text messages. Who texts who first has always been important in the dating world, and so is how long it takes to respond to a message.

These two things can be clear indicators of whether or not someone is interested, not just attracted.

13. She instantly replies to your messages.

Two women sit on a picnic blanket in a grassy field. One is looking at her phone, while the other is reading a book. Sunlight filters through the trees in the background, illuminating the scene. A hat, fruit, and other picnic items are also on the blanket.

If she has been waiting for your message, she will respond to it as soon as she gets it. You won’t ever have to wait for a response from her, and she’ll even send follow-ups to keep the texting going.

However, she might be aware of this entire game and do the opposite by ignoring you on purpose. Taking too long to respond to a message is just as odd as responding to it instantly. So, these are often signs of interest.

14. She is nervous around you and distracted by you.

Three people sitting and having a conversation in a cozy, well-lit indoor setting. A woman with a braid, wearing a beige sweater, is smiling brightly. A man in a brown shirt holding a cup is also smiling. A third person, with blonde hair, gestures while talking.

Odds are, this girl behaves somewhat strangely around you. She gets clumsy, bumps into you, blurts out random stuff, or even embarrasses herself in an attempt to gain your attention or impress you. And blushing, there will likely be lots of blushing involved.

This is because she is nervous around you; she is distracted by the thoughts that the attraction is creating in her head. If she is shy, this might be only one of the very few signs she gives when she’s physically attracted to someone.

15. She flirts with you.

Two people are seated at a table in front of a laptop, engaging in a friendly conversation. The man, with a beard and pink shirt, is smiling, while the woman, with her hair tied back, is gesturing with her hand. They appear to be in a bright, modern office space.

When someone is physically attracted to you, basically their natural instinct will be to flirt with you, even if they’re not interested in moving things forward. This is why it’s important to recognize when a woman is innocently flirting and when she is purposely suggestive because she wants to move things forward.

While it’s not always easy to tell if someone is flirting with you, women are not as reserved anymore, so don’t be surprised if she takes the lead and flirts with you in more obvious ways, not just to be friendly or polite. Unless you are sure (based on some sort of actual consent), take this as a sign of physical attraction, not a promise that she wants to pursue a relationship.

16. She talks or jokes about physical intimacy.

A young man and woman are sitting on a couch, smiling and laughing. The man, wearing glasses and a denim shirt over a white t-shirt, holds something in his hands. The woman, dressed in a brown sweater, looks at him joyfully. A modern home interior is in the background.

Some women will literally talk about physical intimacy with you because they’re physically attracted to you. They might talk about personal things related to intimacy or joke about it while they’re actually trying to tell you something. Talking about physical intimacy could make you both feel awkward, so it’s a much better choice to simply flirt if you’re interested, or gently let her down if you don’t find her that appealing.

17. Her eyes are round, and her pupils are dilated.

A young woman and man sit on a kitchen floor, facing each other and smiling, each holding a glass of red wine. The kitchen setting includes white cabinets and wooden countertops, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

Her eyes pop when she sees you. They’re big and glossy as if she’s jumped out of anime. Her pupils are dilated because she’s into you and her eyes are big because she wants to soak in every detail of your body and personality.

Often, you can tell a lot by a simple look. The way someone looks at you could tell you all about their feelings for you without a word ever being spoken. So pay attention to her eyes and know that they really are the window to her soul. Others might even notice the way she looks at you and mention it to you.

18. She hints about going on a date.

A smiling woman with short blond hair holds a white coffee cup while looking at a man with dark hair who is in profile. They are sitting in a cozy café with wooden decor and enjoying a conversation.

Many women prefer to be pursued, and they will do everything in their power to get you to make the first move and ask them out. So, a woman who is attracted to you will keep hinting about going on a date if she’s interested in seeing what could come out of that. If you’re not interested, she’ll get the hint and back away.


A bearded man and a woman, both wearing sunglasses, smile and stick out their tongues while taking a selfie. The man wears a black cap, headphones, and a denim shirt. The woman is in a plaid shirt. They are standing in front of a weathered brick wall.

Just because a woman is attracted to you, doesn’t mean she wants to act on it. She may simply enjoy checking you out from a distance and that’s as far as it will go. Even if you see these signs, don’t take that as your green light to go ahead. If you’re unsure, ask, or wait for her to explicitly tell you she’s interested in taking things further.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.