Strong Women Would Rather Be Single Than Start A Relationship For These 12 Reasons

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Don’t settle for the wrong reasons

A person with curly hair smiles softly while posing outdoors. They are wearing a blue knit sweater, with their hands gently touching their face. Green foliage in the background gives the photo a serene, nature-like atmosphere.

It’s entirely normal to want a relationship—to form a partnership with someone special you love and who loves you back.

But as with most things, the desire to find a partner can go too far.

When you want a relationship that badly, it can turn to desperation. And desperation can make you get into a relationship for all the wrong reasons.

Here are 12 of the worst reasons to start a relationship, that strong, fierce women would never settle for. And neither should you.

1. Loneliness.

A woman with long dark hair wearing a red sweater is standing outdoors and looking directly at the camera with a serious expression. She is holding up her index finger as if to indicate "no" or "stop." The background is blurred.

Being single can get lonely. Sure, you might hold it together during the day, but at night, you fantasize about having someone to cuddle with. This is a totally normal human need. 

However, strong women make sure that “someone” isn’t just anyone at all. Don’t settle for anyone just to avoid loneliness.

2. Because everyone else is in a relationship.

Four friends gathered outside, smiling and holding bottles of beer. They are warmly dressed in sweaters, scarves, and jackets, suggesting a chilly weather. The background shows a wooden cabin, adding a cozy, rustic feel to the scene.

What if everyone you know and meet seems to be in a relationship? It can feel terrible to always be the third wheel if all your friends are coupled up.

Strong women don’t use this as justification to start substandard relationships though. They simply befriend more single people (but don’t ditch their coupled-up friends). 

So expand your social circle, and understand that your friends are going to be in and out of relationships just like you are. It probably just seems like you’re the only single person in the world because you’re focusing so much on your relationship status.

3. Pressure from society, family, or friends.

An older woman with short gray hair and glasses comforts a younger woman with long brown hair by sitting next to her on a sofa, placing her arm around her shoulder. The younger woman appears upset, her head resting on her hand. The background shows a bright living room.

When are you going to get married and give us grandsons? Let’s face it, family members can be awful at putting pressure on you when you’re single.

You may even feel societal pressure to commit to someone as soon as possible. You may feel like an outcast just because you’re single, and even your friends may be pressuring you into a relationship. 

Don’t let them get to you. Peer pressure can be strong, but you are stronger!

4. To start a family.

A woman multitasks, talking on the phone and working on a laptop, while a young girl beside her applies peanut butter to a slice of bread. The scene is set in a kitchen with jars of jam, a green apple, and other kitchen items on the counter.

A lot of single people want children, and they are eager to find someone who is father material. 

We don’t need to tell you that having children is a big deal. It’s normal that you want to start a family one day, but don’t let this be your only motive for getting into a relationship. 

You may force yourself to date and obsess over getting into a relationship as soon as possible because you feel like your biological clock is ticking. Relax, and breathe. Strong women do not settle for raising kids with any old person they can get their hands on.

5. Emotional support. 

A couple with tattoos cuddles on a couch covered by a gray blanket. The woman with short pink hair is resting her head on the man's chest, who has a beard and short hair. They appear relaxed, surrounded by a cozy living room setting with soft lighting.

Things would be easier for you if you had a partner you could rely on for your emotional needs and support. 

However, you know you can find motivation and validation internally, instead of externally, because you’re strong and independent. 

It’s certainly nice to have someone to support you during difficult days or while you’re chasing your dreams, but it’s not a good enough reason to get into a relationship.

6. Rebound. 

A group of young adults socializing at a casual indoor gathering. A woman in the foreground, holding a drink, is laughing while interacting with a smiling man. Other people are engaged in conversation in the background. The atmosphere appears lively and cheerful.

Maybe you’re struggling to get over your ex. You recently had a nasty breakup and you think that a rebound relationship will help you heal. 

Am I meant to be alone? You could be torturing yourself with thoughts like this after a breakup, and you think that having someone around will make the heartache less painful. 

Take advice from strong women: let time do its thing. Slowly move on by yourself so that you can form healthy relationships once you’ve healed.

7. To get back at your ex.

A woman and a man sit at a dimly lit bar, smiling at each other. Each holds a martini garnished with olives. The woman wears a red blouse, and the man wears a black shirt. The ambiance is cozy with blurred background figures and soft lighting.

Is your ex already in a relationship with someone new?

Or maybe you want to get back at your ex because you’re mad at them. Maybe they cheated or broke your heart in another way, so you want to punish them.

Or perhaps you’re just trying to make your ex jealous because you secretly want them back.

Whatever the reason, you know deep down that this is not a good reason to start a relationship. So, stay strong. Don’t go there.

8. Boredom.

A woman with long dark hair sits at a wooden table in a cozy café, intently reading a book. She rests her chin on her hand, wearing a white sweater. A pair of glasses and a blue cup are on the table to her right. The background is softly lit and blurred.

Let’s face it, not having a partner can be boring. Sure, you have family and friends, but you also have a lot of free time in your schedule that would otherwise be set aside for dating someone. 

Be strong. Use this time to work on self-improvement and indulge in self-care rather than obsessing over your relationship status. 

9. Financial reasons.

A woman stands in a shopping mall holding several colorful shopping bags. She appears thoughtful with one hand resting on her chin. She is wearing a sleeveless dress with a dark blue floral pattern on a light background. The background shows blurred mall stores.

Being in a relationship can pay off, literally. Maybe gifts are your love language, and you love being taken to a fancy restaurant and receiving expensive jewelry. 

Or maybe you’d simply like someone to split your rent with because the bills are piling up. Hey, two incomes are better than one, right?

However, you shouldn’t get into a relationship for financial reasons. We’re not debating whether it’s morally right or wrong, but it’s not a healthy foundation for a serious relationship.

10. Fear of staying single.

A young woman with long brown hair and a green jacket leans on a wooden bench outdoors, looking directly at the camera. Trees and buildings are visible in the background, suggesting a park or urban setting. The expression on her face is pensive.

Maybe you believe you are hard to love and think that you’ll never find love. You think that maybe love is not meant for you and that you’ll stay single forever.

But the odds are you are going to get into a relationship eventually. It doesn’t have to happen right now, so stay strong and don’t force it out of fear of staying single. 

11. Feeling incomplete.

A person with curly, red hair and a green scarf stands outdoors with a blurred urban background. They wear a neutral expression and have a light complexion. The individual is dressed in a grey coat suitable for cool weather.

A lot of people want a relationship so badly because they don’t feel complete without a romantic partner. Ugh.

Your life can be fulfilling when you’re single, and it’s unhealthy to expect another person to complete you. 

While this notion may seem romantic and sweet, in reality, being overly dependent on another person is never a good thing.

You can’t rely on anyone else for your happiness, and you need to give your own life meaning, regardless of your relationship status.

12. Safety and security.

A smiling woman with wavy hair sits with her hands clasped under her chin in front of a teal wall and white shelving. She wears a white shirt and appears to be in a kitchen or dining area, with purple flowers and green foliage in the foreground.

A lot of people want a relationship because it brings them a sense of safety, stability, and security. However, a relationship is no a guarantee of a happily ever after.

Relationships aren’t always stable and safe. Problems happen, people break up, get back together, get married, and get divorced.

This is not to say that there’s no happily ever after, it’s just that relationships are complicated. You can’t expect them to be smooth sailing all the time.


A person with long hair, wearing a green jacket, stands with their back to the camera, arms raised towards the sky at sunset. The city skyline and buildings are silhouetted against the colorful sky in the background.

There is really only one right reason for wanting a relationship: the desire to share your time with a person that you connect with and can grow with in the future. 

The key point here is having a specific person in mind, not being generally in love with the idea of a relationship.

Be strong. Wait to fall in love with someone before seeking a relationship, and until then, accept and enjoy your single status.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.