If you don’t want to feel lost for the rest of your life, do these 20 things

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Stop feeling so lost in life by doing these things.

A woman with light-colored hair styled loosely and wearing a blue shirt gazes ahead with a serious expression. The background is a solid, muted brown color.

Feeling lost is a horrible experience.

You don’t enjoy doing the things you used to love.

You’ve lost motivation.

Life feels meaningless and you’re just going through the motions each day.

Because you don’t recognize who you’ve become, your self-image and self-confidence are affected.

And it’s a struggle to remember when you didn’t feel this way—a time when you felt happy or excited about life. 

There’s also a sense of shame that comes with feeling lost.

After all, don’t people figure this out in college? Maybe you’re the type of person who always seems to have the answers and now… you don’t.

Besides, no one else seems to be having an identity crisis or speculating about the meaning of life.

Who exactly do you talk about stuff like this with? The people in your inner circle are not going to understand what you’re struggling with.

As much as what you’re feeling right now sucks, it’s actually a gift.

Let me explain…

Imagine living your entire life without realizing you’re not being true to yourself?

Or what if it’s at the end of your life when you suddenly realize that you’ve never truly been happy?

But that’s not going to be you because, having become lost, you now have the opportunity to find yourself—to choose how you want to live and who you want to be.

How you navigate this pivotal point can change the trajectory of your life and lead you into a life that’s more compatible with your true self.

So if you’re feeling lost and looking for ways to find your identity, keep reading to understand how to reconnect with your true self.

1. Acknowledge and accept how you’re feeling.

Black and white close-up of a contemplative man with a beard touching his chin. The lighting highlights his thoughtful expression, casting soft shadows on his face. Only his shoulders and upper chest are visible, with a blurred background.

Feeling lost can feel a little like you are behind the curve.

No one around you seems to be having an identity crisis.

At your age, you’re not supposed to be trying to figure out who you are. That should have happened years ago.

You might even be successful by the standards of society. Perhaps in your career, you’re about to reach the level of management or you’re approaching retirement.

But something is off.

It’s almost as if you’re wearing shoes on the wrong feet. It just doesn’t fit.

This isn’t exactly what you can discuss with your spouse or best friend because they wouldn’t understand. Your life seems perfect.

So you try to silence your feelings and continue as you’ve always done before.

Unfortunately, the more you ignore your feelings, the more dissatisfied you become.

The more you feel lost.

So since stuffing your emotions down isn’t helping, why not try acknowledging them instead?

Accept that you feel lost. Admit that you’re not living life to the fullest, rather you’re just going through the status quo.

You’re not the first person to question everything they once knew about themselves and life. Everyone goes through this at one point or the other.

Decide that you will use this period to create a life that is true to your values and excites you.

2. Review your life.

A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a black shirt, is sitting on a wooden bench. She has one hand resting on her head and is looking thoughtfully into the distance. The background is blurred with reflections on a glass surface behind her.

Make a timeline of your life. List out your achievements, challenges, and even regrets.

Write down the good, bad, and momentous times of your life. Every major life event and whatever used to make you happy should go on that list.

Next to each event, write one of two things:

– Positive events—What felt good about these events? Why did they make you happy? What resulted from these events?

– Negative events—Did you learn anything from these events? What was the lesson? What did you gain from these experiences?

This exercise will help you reconnect with the things that made you happy before you got too busy to focus on yourself.

Sometimes life gets so busy with responsibilities and work that we forget what makes us happy.

We think that there’s too much work to do that having fun seems like a waste of time.

Take a walk down memory lane and remind yourself of the things that you used to enjoy and that there’s always a lesson to learn in every situation.

3. Make a list of your goals/dreams.

A person wearing a light-colored long-sleeve shirt writes in a notebook with a pencil. The notebook is placed on a rustic wooden surface. Only the person's hands and forearms are visible.

If money were no object and you could do whatever you wanted to do, what would you do?

Would you travel or change careers? Maybe you’d run a marathon or learn how to do the salsa?

Write everything you’d like to do. Nothing is too small or ridiculous.

You’ve heard of a bucket list. Write your own bucket list.

But instead of just having a list of things you want to do someday before you die, write out a plan to do those things now instead of sometime later.

If you want to travel to Paris, put together a budget and start saving towards it.

Do you want to change careers? Decide on the career you want to move to, what education you’ll need, and get started.

Have you always been interested in learning how to fly a plane? Check out if there are lessons in your area and sign up for them.

What’s the thing you’ve always wanted to do but never gave yourself the chance to do?

Now is the time to make your dreams a reality by turning them into goals and working towards them.

4. Accept yourself.

A person wearing a dark hoodie stands against a tiled wall with hands in the hoodie pockets. Their head is down, and the hood is up, partially shadowing their face, creating a contemplative or somber mood. The wall they lean against is dark and slightly reflective.

Do you accept yourself?

Without all the titles or accolades, do you accept yourself as you are?

If you cannot accept yourself, the good along with the bad, you will continue to struggle to find yourself.

The reason we adopt false personas is that we don’t think our real selves meet up to other people’s expectations. We assume we will not be accepted.

While the truth of that assumption is debatable, no good can come from lying about who we are. No good can come from not fully and completely loving ourselves.

Whether other people accept the real you is up to them. But you must learn to accept yourself.

You can’t live a happy and fulfilled life while denying yourself or trying to be who you are not.

Accept yourself, the parts you love, the parts you hate, and even the parts you’re ashamed of. They all work together to form a unique you.

5. Try to find your true calling.

A man with a beard and short hair is walking outdoors while wearing a beige shirt and carrying a backpack over one shoulder. He is looking thoughtfully into the distance. The background is filled with lush greenery and trees, suggesting a forest or park setting.

Some people already know their true calling. They just need the courage to pursue it.

To those people, you cannot afford to let fear deny the world of your gift. You already know what you were called to do, so do it.

If you don’t do it, who will do it? If you don’t do it, will it ever get done?

Other people do not know what their true calling is. What they know is that what they’re doing right now is not it.

To find your calling, a good place to start is for you to look at what you’re good at.

What are you passionate about?

Your calling doesn’t have to be something altruistic, like helping the homeless. It could just involve you using your gift.

Look at someone like Bill Gates. His gift was clearly software development, which he pursued with a passion. He started Microsoft with Paul Allen in 1976 and, after lots of work and dedication, he left the company in 2014 and committed his life to help the less fortunate all over the world.

His gift financed his philanthropic desires.

Finding your calling and walking in it puts you in a position to not only do what you love but also to help many less fortunate people.

6. Work towards your dreams (no matter how big).

A woman with curly hair wearing a dark green coat is standing outside in an urban setting holding a white disposable coffee cup. She is looking thoughtfully into the distance. There are modern buildings and people walking in the background.

Find a chunk of time for self-reflection, and grab a pen and some paper.

Picture yourself in 5 years. Write what kind of life you would like to be living then. Describe what type of person you would like yourself to be, your best version.

Answer questions like:

– What are you doing on a day-to-day basis?

– Where do you live?

– Who are your friends? What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

– What does your ideal life look like?

Be very clear and specific about your vision.

Look at your life now and plan how you can get from where you’re at to where you want to be.

What do you need to do to be the person you’ve described? How can you live the life you’ve described?

No matter how big your dream is, there’s always a small step you can take today that will get you just a little closer to it.

Break your big dream down into small actionable steps and start working towards it.

7. Study the people you admire.

A person is holding a book titled "Mijn leven" by Bill Clinton on a bookshelf. The shelf is filled with various books in different languages and genres. One section on the shelf is labeled "In verschillende Engeln" indicating multiple books in English.

Who do you look up to or admire?

What qualities do they exhibit that cause you to admire them?

It could be someone you have access to because it would be easier for you to study them and the traits you admire.

But you can study a famous person as well. A quick google search can turn up a bunch of information on almost anyone these days.

Note the qualities that you like and even the ones you don’t like.

If the people you admire are in your life, ask them how they developed the skills or behavior that you like about them.

Is it their entrepreneurial skills or their utter faith that life will work out in the end or their work ethic?

Some of those skills are gifts people are born with, but almost all of them can be developed over time.

Study the attributes you admire and learn what steps you can take to replicate them in your life.

This will help you become the person you want to be.

8. Start a journaling practice.

A man with brown hair and a beard sits at a wooden table by a window, writing in a notebook. He is wearing a gray shirt. A glass of a dark beverage sits on the table, along with other items like books, a bread roll, and various kitchenware in the background.

There are so many benefits to journaling. It helps you get all the noise in your head out and onto a piece of paper where you can make sense of all the chaos.

Journaling is a great tool for self-reflection and identifying triggers.

If journaling is new to you, the fear of someone stumbling upon your deepest thoughts can be enough to prevent you from starting at all.

So find a secure place to put your journal, if it’s a physical one. Or make sure your digital journal is password enabled.

Once you have a secure place, learning how to spill your guts will be the next hurdle, especially if you’re used to keeping all your thoughts to yourself.

You could just write about your daily or weekly events. Or if you prefer something specific to write about, here are ten journal prompts to help you reflect on your life and guide you towards finding purpose and meaning in life:

– What are you grateful for in your life recently?

– Define what happiness means to you, and what it would look like in your life

– What does living in your truth mean to you, and how can you make it a reality if it isn’t already?

– What is something that you want to achieve in your lifetime?

– Write your obituary – what do you want to be remembered for?

– What are your strongest talents and abilities? How can you use them to help the world around you?

– If money or responsibilities weren’t a factor in life, what would your life look like? Describe it in detail. How can you make that life your reality?

– What are some important recent events in your life?

– What is holding you back in life? Be honest – how can you move past these things?

– Write about what you can do to start taking action towards living a purposeful life.

These prompts will help you get started with turning journaling into a regular practice. They will also help you get to know yourself better as you look deep within yourself to answer these questions.

9. Ask yourself self-awareness questions.

A young woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing an orange shirt and black suspenders stands in front of a set of weathered concrete steps. She has a calm expression on her face and a long necklace around her neck.

If you’re feeling lost, it’s pretty safe to assume that your self-awareness is at an all-time low.

You feel disconnected from who you really are.

This happened so subtly that you may not know when it happened or how you became someone you don’t recognize.

You need to ask yourself some self-awareness questions to help you figure out who you are and who you want to be.

Ask yourself:

– Who am I?

– What do I want?

– What can I do today that will make me feel accomplished?

– What can I do today that will benefit me tomorrow?

– Where am I going?

Now, you may not have the answers to some of these questions right away. But at least let them sit in your subconscious and let your brain work out the answers in the background.

Just make sure you keep returning to the questions until you have an answer.

Note that it’s ok for the answers to change from time to time. We’re dynamic creatures who are always changing.

Don’t feel as if once you commit to an answer, you’ve got to stick with it for eternity.

10. Do what excites you.

A skydiver in a blue and white jumpsuit performs a head-down freefall maneuver against a backdrop of clear blue sky and expansive landscape below, including fields, a river, and scattered buildings. The skydiver wears a helmet and goggles, arms outstretched.

What excites you?

What do you enjoy doing?

When was the last time you did what made you happy?

Nothing that makes you happy is a waste of time.

So, if reading makes you happy, then find a good book, get a cup of coffee or tea, curl up on the couch and read. Even if it’s only for one hour.

Life doesn’t have to only be about your responsibilities. It doesn’t have to be dull and boring.

There should also be time in your schedule for what makes you happy, something that you look forward to doing.

11. Step out of your routine/comfort zone.

A person with wet hair and a white shirt is seen kayaking on a calm river, surrounded by lush green hills. They are paddling with red oars under a partly cloudy blue sky. Brightly colored life jackets are on the kayak’s deck.

Step out of your comfort zone, out of your routine. Challenge yourself to do what is unfamiliar.

The reason you’re feeling lost could be because you do everything on autopilot. You’re not learning anything new.

There is no growth in your life. Nothing is stretching your mind or capabilities.

Look for opportunities to step into new and unchartered territory. Do what you haven’t done before. Try something you’re not sure you’ll be a success at.

Regularly stepping out of your comfort zone will give you a chance to develop new skills. Your brain will learn new methods of solving problems.

Even your present skills, no matter how good they already are, will improve if you step out of your routine.

There is no room for growth where you are comfortable, so step out into the unknown.

12. Get a life coach.

Two women are engaged in a serious conversation at a wooden table in an office setting. One woman with long red hair is listening carefully with hands clasped, while the other woman with light brown hair gestures while speaking. An open notebook and glass of water are on the table.

Sometimes it’s just better to talk through what you’re feeling and going through with an unbiased third party.

A life coach could be the guidance you need as you navigate the new trajectory of your life.

If you’ve decided on changing careers, you can engage the services of a career coach to guide you and hold you accountable.

Perhaps you’re finally taking the plunge to start your own business. A business coach could provide the encouragement and accountability you need to achieve that dream.

Life coaches are there to push you beyond what you thought you were capable of. They keep you on track to reach your goals.

People and businesses who work with coaches report positive results from the engagement.

According to the Institute of Coaching, 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, while over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.

A coach could be the tool you need to help pivot you in the right direction for your new life.

13. Try a new hobby.

Two squash players are in action on the court. The male player in the foreground, wearing a blue shirt and black shorts, is poised to hit the ball with his racket. The female player in the background, dressed in black, is preparing for the next move.

Start a new hobby. Maybe something you’ve always been interested in but never had the time to pursue.

Or something that’s totally out there and not what you’d typically be interested in.

A new hobby gives you the chance to step out of your comfort zone.

You’ll learn new things, expand your social circle, and have fun doing it.

Starting a hobby that is different from what you would typically be interested in also allows you to explore other tastes and try new experiences.

Trying a new hobby can help you explore new aspects of your personality or life that don’t necessarily fit into your current reality.

14. Open up to the people close to you.

Two people sit closely on a couch, with one person, wearing a yellow and white striped shirt, looking down and appearing distressed. The other person, with long hair and a beige sweater, has an arm around their shoulder, offering comfort. A plant is visible in the background.

Do you have someone close to you that you can talk to?

Can you share what you’re feeling with a friend or a spouse?

Is there anyone with whom you can unburden yourself?

If you don’t, why not? You either need to change your social circle or work on opening up to other people.

If you do, why not discuss what you’re feeling and going through with them?

When you open up to other people, you not only deepen your emotional connection but also get things off your chest.

There is something very therapeutic about opening up to people who care about you, even if all they do is listen.

Human beings are social creatures. We weren’t designed to be lone wolves.

15. Express your feelings.

Close-up of a person's face showing an eye and eyebrow, with a single tear running down their cheek. The person has dark hair and appears to be in a moment of sadness or emotional reflection. The background is blurred.

It’s ok to feel. It’s even ok to express your feelings.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, no one should ever feel ashamed of their emotions or forced to ignore them.

Your feelings are valid.

Bottling up your emotions until you feel you’re going to explode only adds to your feeling lost and alone.

Expressing your feelings helps you confront and understand them.

It can even give you insight into the why behind your feelings and what got you there.

If you can express what you are feeling to another person, great. They can offer a listening ear and perhaps even guidance.

But if the only place you can express your feelings is in your journal, there’s also some benefit in that, because you can always go back and review what you’ve written.

Don’t run away from your feelings because that only prolongs the ordeal. Eventually, you will have to deal with your emotions because they won’t go away.

16. Rekindle past friendships.

Two women are sharing a joyful hug at an outdoor event. One woman with blonde hair, wearing sunglasses and a leather jacket, has a big smile. The other woman, wearing a blue and white patterned top, has her back to the camera. A stage and crowd are visible in the background.

Can you remember when you were last happy? What about when you last felt like yourself? Who was in your life back then?

Reach out to an old friend from that period in your life and reconnect. Meet up with them for lunch or a drink. Reminisce about the good old days when you were happy and felt like you.

A walk down memory lane with a former friend can help you remember aspects of your personality that you’ve forgotten.

Did you use to be spontaneous? Were you passionate about music or playing an instrument? Were you a gym rat or really athletic?

Past friendships can help you remember who you used to be.

And while who you used to be might not be where you want to go, remembering how full of life you were can motivate you to find that same zest for life that you had before.

17. Forgive yourself and others.

A woman with long brown hair wearing a brown coat stands outdoors on a foggy day. She has a thoughtful expression and is looking down. The background is blurred, showcasing bare trees and a misty, overcast atmosphere.

You may have made some poor decisions that have negatively impacted your life.

Perhaps you dropped out of college when you now see that you should have stayed in school.

Or maybe you broke up with a romantic partner because you weren’t ready to be serious but now realize that he/she was the love of your life.

It’s possible you broke a few laws and served time in jail as a result. You could still be paying the consequences of your crime many years later with limited job opportunities and other such consequences.

Everyone has done things that they regret. We’ve all made split-second decisions that have changed our lives in big or momentous ways.

It’s time for us to forgive ourselves for our errors.

People have hurt or offended us. The poor decisions of others may have deeply and negatively affected the trajectory of our lives.

It’s time for us to forgive them for their errors too.

As Suzanne Somers, an American Actress, once said, “forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.”

Letting go of past offense means letting go of its power to hurt you. Forgiveness means being able to move forward with your life without emotional encumbrance.

Forgiveness does not mean you have to forget.

When you forgive, you choose not to dwell anymore on past hurt.

It means regaining the brainpower and energy you waste on being angry or plotting your revenge or hoping for evil on the offending party.

It means moving forward into the future.

18. Attend inspirational events.

A speaker in business attire addresses a large audience from a stage lit with blue lights. The audience, seated in rows of red chairs, listens attentively. A podium with a laptop and water bottles is placed at the center of the stage.

Attend an event geared towards inspiring the attendees.

That could be a religious event or a leadership conference, or even a TED Talk in your area.

At the event, you’ll hear inspirational stories, meet with people of like mind, and learn a thing or two about a cause you’re interested in.

The energy in a room full of people who are excited about a particular cause, whether it is personal development or empowerment, or career advancement, is enough to spark a fire within you.

If you work at a job you don’t like but can’t afford to leave, join the professional association and attend their conference.

Such gatherings can help you see your job in a new light or teach you new skills that you can apply to make you more efficient in your role.

Use inspirational events to light a spark in your career or life or even marriage.

19. Evaluate your habits.

A hand holding a red pen marks a colorful tracker grid in a notebook. The notebook displays the word "TRACKER" at the top and has multiple columns and rows filled with different colored squares, indicating tracked activities or habits. The notebook rests on a wooden surface.

Are your habits helping you or hurting you?

Are you overworked because you procrastinate until the last minute and then run around like a headless chicken to meet a deadline?

Do you overeat because you don’t plan out your meals?

Are you exhausted because you stay up late playing video games or scrolling through social media?

Evaluate your habits and be honest with yourself in your assessment.

Are your habits adding to your feeling lost? Or are they helping you to become a better person?

If your habits are not helping you to make the most of your day, then it’s time for an overhaul.

But don’t just change everything at once. Pick one habit to work on at a time.

If you’re a serial procrastinator, break down big projects into actionable steps that you can work on each day.

If your eating habits are out of control, take healthy snacks with you to work and refuse to buy any additional junk food.

Review your habits and change the ones that aren’t helping you become the person you want to be.

20. Take a solo trip.

Person wearing a hat, blue plaid shirt, and a backpack, walking on a dirt path through a forested area under sunlight. The individual is facing away from the camera, with trees and greenery on either side of the path.

Sometimes, all you need is a change in your environment.

Go on vacation to a town a few miles away by yourself. You don’t have to go to an exotic location. It’s possible to check into a hotel for a couple of days.

If you’re feeling stifled, take some time off and leave your environment. A change in environment can be like a breath of fresh air to give you a mental boost.

A weekend getaway to a local Airbnb might be what you need to recharge your batteries.

Get out and explore the world around you. Spend time with yourself, resting and relaxing. Treat yourself to a well-deserved solo trip.