1. It’s better to take action than live with regret.
Countless elderly people express regret that they didn’t say or do certain things when they had the chance. This is especially true with regards to travelling, and expressing how they felt about those they loved.
2. Don’t be a jerk.
It’s a pretty basic bit of advice, but a worthwhile one. Our actions tend to have strong repercussions, and being rude or disrespectful to others will eventually turn around and come back to you. Treat others as you’d like to be treated.
3. Pay more attention to people’s behaviors than their words.
Believe changed actions and behaviors, not just words. Does this person keep their promises? If they apologize and promise to do better, do they follow through with actions?
4. How people treat you reveals how they feel about themselves.
Criticisms from others often reflect how they feel about themselves. You just hold up a mirror to their own perceived inadequacies. So don’t take everything anyone says to you or about you personally.
5. Correct practice makes perfect.
Ensure the things you’re practicing are in fact correct technique. Then practice them diligently until you attain the level of competency that makes you feel accomplished.
6. If you’re frustrated with your routine, change it.
Routine can be useful, but it can also really dampen down the human spirit. Switch up your weekly calendar, do things on different days, at various times. See what works best.
7. Your actions today will dictate the rest of your life.
Will you be disciplined, or will you procrastinate? Are you choosing kindness and self-improvement, or hostility toward others? Each choice opens up a different path for you to walk.
8. Do your research before reinventing the wheel.
You may have some great ideas, but others might have even better ones. Research everything thoroughly, then determine how, or if, you can improve upon what you’ve found.
9. Be certain in your uncertainty.
Recognize that what you know as absolute truth right now may change when you learn something different. Nothing is certain, not really. And the sooner you allow for grey areas and unknowns, the better.
10. Don’t let forceful personalities intimidate you.
Many try to bully others by being louder and more aggressive. Similarly, chihuahuas bark their heads off, while wolves are quiet. Hold your ground when someone is snapping, especially if your position is strong.
11. Remember that you are what you consume.
This goes for food and drink as well as media and entertainment. Treat your body and mind like your own treasured, sacred child, and nourish them accordingly.
12. Always pay attention to your surroundings.
Be aware of what’s going on around you. If a situation is making you uncomfortable, then pay attention to what’s causing that reaction. It’s happening for a reason. Being aware will allow you to respond or react to whatever unfolds.
13. Choose your lovers carefully.
We exchange a lot of emotion and energy with our intimate partners. We also invest a great deal of time into them. Be discriminating with your intimate choices and you’ll have few regrets.
14. Take time before trusting.
It’s okay to be friendly and caring with people, but be discriminating with whom you trust. People reveal their true selves over time, and you may regret being too open with the wrong ones.
15. Be kind, whenever possible.
Every living being will experience pain and hardship, so try not to be the source of either. No act of kindness is ever wasted, and the grace and gentleness you show another living being may change their entire life.
16. Live each day as if it were your last.
Many squander their days because they think they have time to spare. Any of us could have 20 years left, or we could be gone in 20 minutes. Choose wisely when it comes to how you spend your time, and with whom.