These 20 Signs Reveal You’re Doing A Lot Better In Life Than You Realize

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Success Doesn’t Always Look How You Imagine.

Close-up of a person with short brown hair smiling broadly. Their eyes are slightly squinted, expressing happiness and warmth. The background is blurred, emphasizing the person's face and joyful expression.

It can sometimes feel as though life is just one big house of cards waiting to come crashing down as soon as a breath of wind blows on it. In truth, there are a multitude of reasons why you are actually doing far better than you think you are, and as you continue to read this article, you’ll soon come to realize this.

In no particular order, here are 20 signs to look out for in your life that indicate just how good your life is going.

1. You have a dream.

A woman with long blonde hair sits at an outdoor café, holding a white coffee cup. She wears sunglasses on her head and looks relaxed, with a soft smile. The background shows a blurred street scene with warm, golden sunlight filtering through.

You know that where you are now is not the end and that you are capable of so much more. You aspire to achieve the types of goals that you envisage in your mind and you have the determination to see them through.

2. You’re grateful for what you do have.

A man wearing a white t-shirt is holding a small cup of coffee and smiling. The background is dimly lit.

Wherever you may see yourself in the future, you don’t forget to give thanks for all of the amazing things in your life today. In other words, you are not wishing away the days, months and years, but savoring them and all that they bring.

3. You have clean water.

A man sits at a café table, engrossed in his smartphone. The table holds a cup of coffee, a glass of water, an ashtray, a small potted plant, and another glass. Sunlight fills the room through large windows in the background.

The most basic of requirements for life is available to you 24/7 just by turning a tap. It is a sad fact that billions of people on this planet do not currently have access to clean drinking water, so you should count yourself lucky.

4. You feel proud of yourself.

A close-up of a person with fair skin and red hair, including a red beard, looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression. The background is softly blurred, featuring an indoor setting with some indistinct light and shelves.

You’ve achieved things in your life and, no matter how big or small they might seem to others, you have an immense sense of pride for having done so. Whether it is gaining a qualification, improving your health, or learning to stand up for yourself, you have taken a hard road when there might have been an “easy way out.”

5. You can forgive, even if you don’t forget.

A woman with curly hair and a white shirt sits at a table with an open notebook, conversing with a man with styled hair and a denim jacket. Both have smartphones on the table, and a small potted plant is in the center. They appear to be in a modern café.
Holding onto grievances is almost always bad for your mental and physical well-being, but you have learned the art of true forgiveness. This allows you to release the negative energy associated with anger and resentment, and sometimes fix broken relationships.

6. You have a roof over your head and bed to sleep in.

A man wearing a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants is sitting on a bed, stretching with his arms raised and a content expression on his face. The room is bathed in warm sunlight streaming through sheer white curtains, creating a cozy and serene atmosphere.

No matter how big or small your home is, and whether you rent or own it, you can go to bed each night with the safety and security that it affords you. You experience that homely feeling that comes from having a place you can call your own.

7. You have friends you can rely on.

Three people are standing outside and smiling. The person on the left is wearing a red plaid shirt, the person in the middle is wearing sunglasses and a dark jacket, and the person on the right is wearing glasses, a light blue shirt, and a green top. The background is slightly blurred.

The very best friendships bring untold joy and wealth to life and you are fortunate enough to have found a few people with whom you can be yourself without fear of judgement. You can count on these friends to be there when you need them most just as you would go to them if they called.

8. You aren’t scared of failure.

A woman with red curly hair stands outdoors, gazing intently at the camera. She wears a dark coat and a knitted scarf, with a soft, blurred background that suggests a late afternoon or early morning light. The atmosphere appears calm and contemplative.

Whatever you wish to accomplish in life, you do not let the fear of failure hold you back. You have failed before and you will fail again, but you prefer to see them not as failures, but as lessons learned along the road to success.

9. You’re open-minded.

A woman with long dark hair sits cross-legged on a bed, holding a white mug. She is wearing a plaid shirt, jeans, and wool socks, with a laptop open in front of her. There are blue pillows and a plant in the background.

You understand that nobody can ever know everything and you embrace this by refusing to cast your beliefs in stone. Rather than become stuck in your ways, you continue to seek a deeper understanding of things and you are open to the opinions expressed by other people regardless of their background.

10. You have food to eat.

An elderly man playfully feeds a smiling woman a vegetable stick at a dining table. The table is set with plates of food, a bowl of salad, a glass of orange juice, and a glass of milk. They appear to be enjoying their meal and each other's company.

And we’re not just talking subsistence food to keep you alive. Oh no, you have access to a greater variety of foods than anyone could have imagined just 25 years ago. You can put food on your table day in and day out without too much worry and this is not something that everyone is able to do.

11. You know what you don’t want.

A woman with long, wavy, gray hair and a pleasant smile looks at the camera. She is wearing a light brown shirt and is positioned in a well-lit room with a blurred background featuring plants and furniture.

You’ve experienced enough of life to know that there are some things that you’d rather avoid wherever possible. Whatever these things may be, you have lived and learned and you can take comfort in the knowledge that you won’t have to learn these lessons again.

12. You don’t let pride stop you from asking for help.

A person wearing a striped button-up shirt extends their hand forward in a welcoming gesture. The background features a modern building with a grid-like glass facade. The image is slightly blurred, focusing on the gesture.

You accept that you can’t know or do everything and rather than try to muddle through regardless, you are able to set your pride to one side and seek help. This allows to you get on in life when you might otherwise struggle to achieve things by yourself.

13. You have time for leisure activities.

A woman in a black athletic outfit sits on a rock, gazing thoughtfully into the distance. She appears to be in a natural outdoor setting with greenery and trees in the background. She has her hair tied back in a bun and is wearing black running shoes.

It doesn’t matter whether you are sporty, a movie buff or a budding artist, you have enough free time each week to accommodate activities that bring you happiness and peace.

14. You can look beyond material possessions.

A bald man in a pink short-sleeve shirt and colorful socks sits on a bench with his legs crossed, eyes closed, and a relaxed expression. The scene is sunlit, with a shadow of a lamp on the wall behind him and greenery above the wall.

While you appreciate the comforts of the modern-day world, you don’t let yourself become infatuated with “things” or allow your feelings and behavior to be determined by the lavish extravagance available in life.

15. You’ve experienced romantic love.

A woman and a man lie on the grass, holding hands. The woman, with her head resting on his arm, gazes thoughtfully at the sky while the man looks upward. Sunlight filters through the greenery, casting soft light on their faces and the surrounding grass.

Perhaps the one thing that we, as a species, desire more than anything else is to love and be loved by someone. If you have ever known this kind of connection with another human being, you have been blessed. Even if this kind of love is not present in your life right now, you can still be thankful because you can look forward to it in your future.

16. You are unsure about many things.

A man with short dark hair and a beard looks pensively out of a window. His hands are clasped together under his chin, and soft light illuminates his face. The window appears to have rain on it, adding to the contemplative mood.

Life, the universe, the purpose of existence; you have many questions left unanswered in your mind. You even reconsider your dreams from time to time as your outlook evolves. You aren’t fearful of these unknowns, however, and openly embrace discussions about them.

17. You strive for improvement.

A person is reading a red book while reclining on a brown couch. They are wearing jeans and a brown sweater. In the foreground, there is a wooden round table with several books, one of which is open. The room has a cozy and relaxed atmosphere.

Whether in a particular way or just in general, you always seek to further yourself and better yourself because you feel this is one of life’s big challenges. Your personal development is an important part of your life and you spend much time and energy on it.

18. You know true happiness.

A bearded man with sunglasses, wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, sits joyfully on a spring rocker shaped like a horse in a sunny playground. In the background, there's a slide and climbing structure with green trees surrounding the area.

You try to discover happiness in as many moments as you can and you treasure it for as long as it lasts. Your happiness is genuine and is a reflection of the choices you make in your life.

19. Your life contains less drama now.

A woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a wide-brimmed beige hat and a light-colored shirt is sitting outdoors on a grassy field. Her eyes are closed, and she has a peaceful, relaxed expression on her face. Blurred greenery is visible in the background.

As you’ve grown as a person, you have experienced a dramatic shift in the tone of your life. No longer does it contain endless drama and confrontation; you’ve allowed people to flow in and out of your life and it is more peaceful as a result.

20. You don’t shirk the tough decisions.

Two people hug warmly on a sunlit street. One person has sunglasses resting on her head and wears a dark sweater, while the other wears a striped shirt. Cars and trees are visible in the blurred background, giving a sense of a peaceful, urban setting.

When it comes to the major choices you face, you tackle them head on with clarity and persistence until they have been made. You don’t put them off or expect someone else to make them for you; you are empowered to take charge of them.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.