Men who are perfect husband material have these 13 traits

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Is He Husband Material?

A man gently kisses a woman's forehead as they stand close, facing each other, outdoors in an urban setting. The woman smiles, eyes closed, wearing a white top, while the man wears a blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves. The background is softly lit with evening lights.

It takes a certain man to be a great husband. And an even better one to be the ideal husband.

If you’re wondering whether a man is marriage material, here are 13 signs to look out for.

1. He’d make a great father.

A person with curly hair lies on their back, holding a baby with light-colored hair on their chest. They gaze lovingly at each other, with the baby smiling and dressed in light-colored clothing. The background is a cozy indoor setting with soft lighting.

Regardless of whether or not you want to have children, you could see this guy making a great dad.

This is a really interesting mental image to make because it encompasses his entire being – his personality, his beliefs, his attitudes toward life, his treatment of others, and lots more besides.

2. He shows he’ll support you through hard times.

A couple sits on the floor at home. The woman lies with her head on the man's lap while he gently touches her face, both appear relaxed and content. The man sits cross-legged, wearing jeans and a grey t-shirt, and the woman wears a white top and dark pants.

Whilst you should have multiple people in your support network, the most important will probably be your partner.

If this man proves himself capable of giving emotional support and, in some circumstances, practical support during a difficult time for you, he’s a keeper.

Whether that’s the grief you feel after losing a loved one, being made redundant from your job, or facing down a mental health crisis, this man is there to support you.

3. He treats you as an equal.

A man and a woman sit at a café table behind a window. The woman, smiling, holds the man's hand and brings it to her mouth as if kissing it. They are both enjoying beverages, with cups and a teapot on the table. The scene is cozy and warm.

He sees you and treats you as equals in the relationship. He doesn’t think that he’s somehow better than you.

This is important because the belief that you are equal is what results in mutual respect for one another. If he believed he was somehow above you because he is smarter or had a better upbringing, it would reflect in the way he treats you. He might expect you to take on more than your fair share of the work required to run a home and life in general. He would take you and your time for granted. He would expect preferential treatment.

That’s not the kind of man you want to marry.

4. He’s willing to make healthy sacrifices.

A smiling couple stands in a partially renovated room, with the woman taking a selfie while the man looks on. They are leaning on a table with building plans, tools, and a level. The room around them shows signs of ongoing construction work.

Sometimes you have to put the needs of your partner before your own. You have to sacrifice something you want in order for them to benefit in some way.

But there are healthy and unhealthy sacrifices. A healthy sacrifice is one which won’t cause any major harm to you. And if you see that your guy is willing to make this kind of sacrifice for you, he’s got good husband written all over him.

5. He’s on the same page when it comes to big issues.

A couple sits on a stone bench outdoors. The man, wearing a cap and dark clothing, embraces the woman from behind, smiling. The woman, wearing a patterned jacket and purple pants, closes her eyes and smiles. The background features historical architecture and statues.

Two people in a relationship don’t have to agree on everything. But it does help to agree on the bigger issues of life.

This goes beyond what you see in your future together, and instead encompasses things such as your political leanings, your views on religion, and your desire (or lack of) to give to charitable causes.

Whilst people with different values and views may still be able to have a happy relationship if they can put those things aside and accept each other for who they are, it makes it a whole lot easier if you and your partner are aligned in mind.

6. He’s shown he can weather relationship storms.

A close-up of a couple standing forehead to forehead with their eyes closed, creating an intimate and serene moment. The background is softly blurred, capturing a warm and gentle light. Both are dressed casually in light-colored clothing.

All relationships will have their ups and downs, and if you have already gone through one or more such patches with your partner, it bodes well for a long and successful relationship.

That’s not to say that it’s good to fall out with one another. But if you can overcome your differences and rebuild the bridge between you, it can actually strengthen the bond you have.

Chances are your relationship will go through several of these patches over your lifetime, but simply knowing that you can come out the other side still together and still in love means you’ve probably found the one.

7. He’ll be in your corner when it counts.

A couple gazes into each other's eyes with intense emotion. The man with long hair holds the woman's face tenderly. The woman has short blonde hair and bright red lipstick. They are standing outdoors, with blurred greenery and water in the background.

This man is protective of you. Whilst you may disagree on certain things, if anyone tries to attack you verbally and emotionally, he will stand by your side and fight your corner.

This doesn’t mean he has to take your side in every argument you might have with someone. He is allowed to have his own views and he may sometimes agree more with someone else’s point than he does yours.

But if and when it gets personal, it doesn’t matter who he might have been agreeing with, he won’t stand by and watch as you are spoken ill of.

And you just know that he would defend you even when you’re not around because he isn’t willing to have other people talk about you behind your back.

8. He makes you feel comfortable being vulnerable.

A man and woman sit at a cafe table, each with a cup of coffee. They are engaged in conversation, and the woman is smiling warmly while resting her head on her hand. The background shows a modern, minimalistic interior with shelves and a TV screen.

No one will ever know everything that goes on inside your mind; every thought and feeling. But this man will prove that you can feel safe telling him things that you haven’t told anyone else.

It takes an incredible amount of trust to let your guard down and be utterly vulnerable with someone. If you feel able to be that honest and open with him, it’s a good sign that you think he is the one.

And assuming he responds with empathy and compassion rather than sheer indifference to you expressing your innermost thoughts like that, he really is marriage material.

9. He wants what’s best for you.

A joyful couple sits on a kitchen floor, smiling and enjoying a casual moment together with coffee mugs. The man, wearing a green shirt and jeans, sits next to the woman in a salmon top and jeans. Daylight streams in, highlighting the cozy, modern kitchen setting.

With every fiber of his being, he wants to see you happy and smiling and successful in whatever you put your mind to.

But it goes beyond simply wanting to see you happy. Sometimes, what’s best for you will be difficult for him. For example, if you want to give up a well-paid job you hate in order to pursue a career that doesn’t pay as well but that you’d enjoy a lot more. This would have knock-on effects on your total household income and thus what you can afford to buy.

It comes back to making sacrifices. He will do what it takes (within reason) to ensure that you can both live with as much joy and contentment as possible.

10. He supports your growth.

A man and a woman walk arm-in-arm through a forest in autumn. The man has gray hair and wears a black quilted jacket and a striped scarf. The woman wears a mustard-colored coat, a blue scarf, and carries a brown crossbody bag. They both appear content and relaxed.

This kind of man has an effect on you that few others have. He makes you want to become a better person; to grow and develop the best parts of yourself whilst addressing your flaws.

What’s important is that he doesn’t say this or try to force you to change. He may not even think you need to change because he loves you just the way you are.

But if you want it, he’ll support it.

11. He makes you feel confident and secure.

A happy couple embracing in a kitchen. The man is gently kissing the woman's forehead while she smiles with eyes closed. On the counter in front of them are a glass jug of orange juice, two glasses of juice, and a bottle of milk. Various kitchen items are in the background.

It’s natural to feel a little unsure – even insecure – about yourself at times. But with a man like this, those feelings simply disappear into thin air.

You are entirely comfortable being yourself around him. You don’t try to hide parts of your personality that you don’t think are good enough or interesting enough. You drop the mask show your authentic side.

You don’t feel self-conscious about your body around him. You know that you can be confident in what you look like because he has made it perfectly clear that he loves the way you look.

12. He’ll tell you a hurtful truth rather than a kind lie.

A man and woman are having an intense conversation in a bright kitchen. The woman, with a concerned expression, has her hands on her head. The man speaks to her gesturing with his hand. Various kitchen appliances and items are visible in the background.

For this guy to be the one, you must trust him entirely. Part of this is knowing that, if it came down to it, he would rather tell you the truth even if that truth would hurt, rather than lie to you in the hope of keeping you happy.

13. He gets your love language.

A joyful couple rides bicycles hand-in-hand along a cobblestone street in a sunny, urban setting. Both wear sunglasses and hats; the woman has flowers in her bike's basket. They are smiling and appear to be enjoying their leisurely ride near brick buildings.

Love is not a single thing, and not everybody expresses themselves in the same way. There are five love languages that you and your partner may speak. These are: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

Not all couples speak the same language when it comes to love, and that’s okay. What’s important is that your partner respects the ways you like to show love and be shown love and makes the effort to give you love in the way you need.

And this man does just that.

About The Author

Ana Vakos enjoys writing about love and all the problems that come with it. Everyone has experiences with love, and everyone needs dating advice, so giving these topics more attention and spreading the word means a lot to her.