Unless you do these 15 things, you’ll never fully appreciate life

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These things are essential if you want to enjoy your life.

A man with curly hair and a beard smiles warmly at the camera. He is wearing a brown jacket over a white t-shirt. The sun is shining brightly behind him, creating a halo effect around his head. The background is a clear, bright sky.

Having a genuine appreciation for life and all that it gives you is something many people overlook. But truth is, you won’t ever be able to get the most out of life if you don’t recognize the many treasures it provides. And that won’t happen until you do the following things.

1. Nurture meaningful relationships.

A group of five friends taking a selfie outdoors. They are all smiling and appear joyful. One person is giving a piggyback ride, while another is making a peace sign with their hand. They are standing against a backdrop of buildings and greenery.

Picture your life as a garden. Sure, you could let it grow wild, but imagine the beauty when you tend to it with care. That’s what nurturing relationships is all about. Water them with quality time, prune away negativity, and watch as your connections bloom into something truly spectacular. Remember, a garden doesn’t grow overnight—it takes patience, love, and a whole lot of TLC.

2. Engage in acts of kindness and service.

Two women are sitting in a room; one appears supportive, gently holding the other's hand. One woman, in a blue blouse and glasses, sits on a yellow chair, while the other, in a white sweater, sits on a gray chair. Potted plants and shelves are in the background.

Engaging in acts of kindness is like having a secret superpower that not only brightens someone else’s day but gives you a boost too. Whether it’s helping a neighbor or volunteering at a local shelter, these small acts create ripples of positivity that can change the world, and your perspective along with it.

3. Find a purpose or passion that drives you.

A man wearing a baseball cap leans against a tree with sunlight streaming through the background. He is looking off to the side with a peaceful expression. The background is softly blurred, creating a warm, serene atmosphere.

What gets your heart racing and your mind buzzing? That’s your passion calling! Finding your purpose is like discovering your own personal North Star—it guides you through life’s ups and downs. Don’t worry if you haven’t found it yet; exploring different interests is half the fun. Who knows? Your next hobby or job could be the key to unlocking a whole new you!

4. Celebrate small wins and milestones.

A young woman with long blonde hair is standing against a light blue background. She is smiling widely with her eyes closed and her fists clenched, expressing joy and excitement. She is wearing a beige sweater and a watch on her left wrist.

Life’s not just about reaching the finish line; it’s about enjoying the journey. So why wait for big achievements to break out the champagne? Celebrating small wins is like giving yourself a high-five for being awesome. Finished a tough project? Treat yourself! Finally mastered that yoga pose? Do a little dance! Remember, joy is found in the little moments, so make them count.

5. Disconnect from technology regularly.

A hand holding a smartphone in front of greenery. The phone screen displays a "slide to power off" prompt with an on-screen power button and a cancel button at the bottom. The background is blurred, focusing on the phone and the hand.

In a world that’s constantly buzzing with notifications, sometimes the bravest thing you can do is hit the ‘off’ button. Disconnecting from technology is like pressing the reset button on your brain. It gives you space to breathe, think, and rediscover the world around you. So go on, put down that phone and look up—you might be surprised by what you’ve been missing!

6. Practice self-reflection and introspection.

A woman with long, brown hair sits in a bright, modern kitchen. She is wearing a light grey shirt and smiling as she looks off to the side. The background features light green and white walls with kitchen appliances.

Ever feel like you’re running on autopilot? Well, now is the time to take the wheel! Self-reflection is your personal GPS, helping you navigate the twists and turns of life. Set aside some quiet time to check in with yourself. What’s working? What isn’t? Where do you want to go next? Remember, the most important conversation you’ll ever have is the one with yourself.

7. Cultivate a sense of humor and laugh often.

Two people are sitting at a round wooden table in a modern cafe with a glass wall in the background. One person, wearing a green top, is laughing with one hand on their forehead, while holding a phone in the other hand. The other person is facing away.

Laughter truly is the best medicine. Cultivating a sense of humor is like giving yourself a daily dose of joy. Find the funny in everyday situations, share a joke with friends, or indulge in a silly dance party. Life’s too short to take everything seriously, so go ahead and let those giggles loose. Your stress levels (and abs) will thank you!

8. Spend time in nature regularly.

A man with short hair and a trimmed beard is standing in a field of tall grass, wearing a white shirt. The sun sets behind him, casting a warm glow over the landscape. He is smiling and looking slightly to the side. Trees and mountains are visible in the distance.

Nature’s calling, and it’s time to answer! Spending time outdoors allows you to hit the refresh button on your soul. Whether it’s a hike in the mountains or a stroll in your local park, connecting with nature helps ground you and puts life’s challenges into perspective. So lace up those boots, breathe in that fresh air, and let Mother Nature work her magic!

9. Live according to your values and beliefs.

A man wearing a black cap and a red scarf draped over his shoulders gazes to his left against a clear blue sky background. He has a light beard and is dressed in a dark t-shirt. The bright sky provides a serene backdrop to his contemplative expression.

Imagine trying to sail a ship without a compass—that’s what life is like when you’re not aligned with your values. Living authentically is about being true to yourself, even when it’s not easy. Take some time to identify what really matters to you, and let those principles guide your decisions. It’s not always smooth sailing, but it’s the surest way to a fulfilling life.

10. Learn to manage your stress.

A woman with dark curly hair is standing near a window with sheer white curtains. She is wearing a light pink ribbed top, and her eyes are closed, giving an impression of calmness and serenity.

Stress is like that uninvited guest who overstays their welcome. But here’s the good news: you’ve got the power to show it the door! Learning to manage stress is all about finding what works for you. Maybe it’s meditation, maybe it’s kickboxing, or maybe it’s baking cookies at midnight. Whatever it is, make it a priority. Your mind (and your loved ones) will thank you.

11. Embrace or accept change.

A man wearing a red shirt is leaning against a wooden fence with his arms crossed. He is smiling and standing in an outdoor setting with a green, leafy background, illuminated by sunlight.

Change can feel like a rollercoaster—thrilling for some, terrifying for others. But it’s all about perspective. Instead of resisting change, try embracing it as an opportunity for growth. Think of it as life’s way of keeping things interesting. Who knows? That unexpected turn might just lead you to your next great adventure.

12. Look after your physical health.

A woman with medium-length dark hair, wearing a light beige sweater and pants, is sitting on a chair in a modern kitchen. She is holding an orange slice in front of one eye and a glass of orange juice in her other hand, looking surprised and cheerful.

Your body is the vehicle that carries you through life, so start treating it like a luxury car! Looking after your physical health isn’t just about hitting the gym; it’s about fueling your body with good food, getting enough rest, and listening to what it needs. Remember, you’ve only got one body, so give it the care it deserves. Future you will be grateful for the investment!

13. Discover hobbies that bring you joy.

A man in a light blue shirt holds an American football above his head with both hands. He stands outdoors against a clear blue sky, with trees faintly visible in the background. His expression is calm, and the photo is taken from a low angle.

Discovering activities that light you up is like finding hidden treasure—it adds richness and color to your world. Whether it’s painting, rock climbing, or learning to juggle flaming torches (okay, maybe not that last one), hobbies are your ticket to fun, growth, and maybe even new friends. So go on, try something new.

14. Cultivate a sense of wonder about the world.

Close-up of a person with short, light-colored hair, looking slightly up and to the right with a gentle smile. The background is blurred, focusing on their face which conveys a sense of contentment and contemplation.

Remember how everything seemed magical when you were a kid? That sense of wonder is still there, just waiting to be rediscovered! Cultivating curiosity about the world sharpens your perception, revealing the extraordinary within the ordinary and transforming the mundane into the captivating. Ask questions, learn new things, and let yourself be amazed by the everyday miracles around you. Life’s full of wonders; you just need to look for them!

15. Practice gratitude regularly.

A smiling man with short dark hair is wearing a light gray shirt with buttons near the collar. He is standing outdoors with blurred greenery and yellow flowers in the background.

Gratitude is truly a magic spell that can transform your entire outlook on life. It’s not about ignoring the tough stuff; it’s about choosing to focus on the good. Try starting or ending your day by listing three things you’re grateful for. It could be as simple as a warm cup of coffee or as profound as a supportive friend. The more you practice, the more abundance you’ll see in your life.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.