Do You Have These Traits?
Success means different things to different people. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal.
But one thing is universal. Success comes to those who work for it. It comes to those who look at themselves, and at the world around them, and consider how they can grow and develop accordingly in order to thrive.
Some people will have to work harder that others. That’s just life. The traits below can make the journey to success harder. They can even make the journey impossible if you’re unwilling to take a long hard look at yourself, and work to improve on them.
1. Poor Concentration.
A lack of ability to focus on a particular task can be a major barrier to success.
If you can’t apply yourself to something for more than a few minutes at a time and struggle to block out distractions, you’re unlikely to be able to achieve any goals you set yourself, whatever they may be.
2. Procrastination.
Being able to use time efficiently and get the very most out of every day will make success far more attainable.
It will also mean that it comes around more quickly than you’d ever imagined.
Whilst a touch of procrastination now and again has its uses – as it can allow our brains to process information – if procrastination becomes our default and we don’t make the most of the precious minutes we’re given, the days and years can slip by without us achieving our goals…
…and sooner or later time will run out.
3. Decision paralysis.
This is an issue that all kinds of people struggle with. Some of us find the big decisions, to do with jobs or relationships, the toughest, and that’s completely understandable.
Other people find the big stuff fairly easy, but struggle with the little things like choosing from a menu or picking a paint color, convinced they’ll regret their decision.
And some of us can’t handle any kind of decision-making at all, preferring to just bury our heads in the sand and let other people take the reins.
Wherever you fall on the decision-making spectrum, training yourself to make your own choices, listening to both your heart and your head, can open all kinds of doors.
Making decisions wholeheartedly and not fretting over the ‘what ifs’ means you can throw yourself into things, heart and soul, and make whatever your decision is work.
4. People pleasing.
Some people have the skill to say “no” naturally, but many of us, especially women in our patriarchal society, have trouble saying no when things are asked of us, even when we’re already stretched to capacity.
If we want to have the time to be able to create the life of our dreams, we can’t spend our precious hours doing things we don’t really want to do or that our hearts aren’t really in.
Learning to say no when necessary is a big step toward freeing yourself up and setting yourself on the path to success.
5. Impatience and impulsivity.
There’s such a thing as being too patient, and we all need to be aware of where that line lies, but a healthy dose of patience is incredibly important in this life.
Whatever path we’re on, we’re all going to come across obstacles, whether they’re in the form of people or circumstances.
Although raging against those barriers and pummelling on those doors can sometimes be the answer, more often than not, just a smidgen of patience can solve all kinds of problems.
Good things really do come to those who wait.
6. Incoherence
The importance of being able to express oneself clearly is so often underrated.
Being able to communicate what we want or need to others in a clear manner, without beating about the bush or causing misunderstandings, is a skill we can all work on.
It is one that can help us develop healthy relationships, be they personal or professional, and thrive.
7. A lack of sympathy.
No one’s perfect. You’re not, and neither are the people around you. That means, sooner or later, people are going to mess up.
They themselves might do something wrong, or it might be due to circumstances beyond their control, but no matter how much of an issue that might cause for you, it’s important to realize that we’re all human, and we all make mistakes.
Being able to understand that, and forgive and forget rather than getting angry and blaming others can work wonders in all areas of your life.
8. Low self-esteem.
If you don’t have confidence in yourself, it’s hard to expect others to have confidence in you.
Self-confidence is vital for success, as success in any shape or form always involves putting yourself out there in one way or another.
If you’re not confident in yourself, you’re not likely to be brave enough to stick your head above the parapet.
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” – Napoleon Hill
9. A “know it all” attitude.
The saying “curiosity killed the cat” was clearly invented by someone who wanted to keep other people firmly in their boxes.
Whilst too much curiosity can get you into sticky situations now and again, a healthy dose of it means that you’re always keen to keep learning.
It drives you to discover more about the world around you, about your fellow human beings, and about yourself.
Whatever your concept of success, a fulfilling life means that you never stand still and never stop expanding your mind, wondering what’s waiting around the next corner.
10. Giving up too easily.
Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, and it takes tenacity and commitment.
If you give up at the first hurdle or when things don’t happen as quickly as expected, you’ll never get where you want to go.
11. Being risk averse.
Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. If your idea of success is different from what your life looks like now, then the only way to get there is to put yourself out there and try your luck.
There are no guarantees in this life, and if you stick to safe ground, you’re not likely to go anywhere fast.
12. A lack of competitiveness.
Of course competitiveness is another one that can be taken too far if you’re not careful. If beating others becomes your main focus, you’re likely to lose track of the things that are really important to you.
However, a streak of friendly competitiveness is good for us all. It can be a great driver and motivator. It’s especially good if you can strike up a bit of competition with your own past self.
Being able to run a few meters further than the day before, have your own business do a bit better than the year before, or put yourself out there in a social situation in a way you wouldn’t have dared to do at the last party you were at is all the competition you really need to keep growing as a person.
13. Being too serious.
A sense of humor is vital for survival in this world, and utterly indispensable if you want to succeed.
Things go wrong and people mess up, and you have to be able to look at the funny side of things when they do.
14. Lacking drive and enthusiasm.
If you don’t have light in your eyes and a bit of fire in your belly and get excited about the projects you’re working on or the things you’re spending your time on, you’ll struggle to find the motivation to get anywhere.
A dose of enthusiasm for everything, from a new project on a Monday morning to a weekend adventure, can push you further and make the world look an awful lot brighter.
15. Being too passive.
Whilst there’s a time and a place for compromise, we all have to know when to be assertive and not to crumble.
To get anywhere in this life, we have to be prepared to ask for and tell other people what we want.
16. Being inconsiderate.
Although there are plenty of people out there who have made it big by trampling all over others, they’re only enjoying a certain type of success.
For anyone whose idea of success doesn’t include cutting other people down in order to clamber up the ladder, consideration for the people around us is key.