10 Things Truly Humble People Never Do

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You won’t catch a humble person doing these things.

A woman with shoulder-length red hair and wearing a striped sweater is smiling as she stands on a city street. The background is blurred, showing vague outlines of buildings and street elements. The feel is casual and candid.

In a world full of people who come across as self-centered and self-absorbed, it is no wonder that humility has become an increasingly valued trait today. Not only does humility show a high level of emotional intelligence in a person, it can also have positive effects on our interactions with others. If you are trying to become a more humble person, here are 12 things to remember not to do.

1. Brag About Their Achievements

A young woman with shoulder-length brown hair stands against a plain white background. She is smiling brightly and is wearing a plain white T-shirt and blue jeans. She is pointing to herself with both hands, exuding confidence and happiness.

One thing that you don’t see humble people doing is seeking external validation for their accomplishments. When people choose to boast about their successes to others, some people can interpret this in a negative way. While humility does not mean denying your worth, it also does not mean rubbing your privileges or opportunities or achievements in other people’s faces.

2. Interrupt Others

Two women sitting on a couch appear excited and surprised while watching something on TV. The woman on the left is smiling and gesturing with her hands, while the woman on the right is holding a remote control and has a wide-open mouth in amazement. Bookshelves and a plant are in the background.

Not only is interrupting someone while they are talking just plain rude, it also shows that you don’t care about what the other person has to say. Humble people value listening over speaking, and giving people the space to express their thoughts and opinions freely. Not only does this behavior allow people to gain a deeper understanding of each other, it also helps to strengthen bonds in the long run.

3. Disregard Others’ Opinions

Two women sit at a table; the woman on the right, in a yellow shirt, appears to be speaking or expressing frustration, gesturing with her hands. The woman on the left, in a denim jacket, looks away with a neutral or indifferent expression.

Humility is not limited to just listening to other people; it also includes respecting and appreciating their specific viewpoints. Yes, everyone has their own beliefs and values that, at times, we may personally not agree with. However, it is important to remember that acknowledging other perspectives can help us learn about others, and the world around us, through a different lens.

4. Seek Credit For Team Success

A man and a woman in business attire are shaking hands and smiling in an office with a brick wall. Another woman in the background is seated at a desk, clapping and smiling. An open laptop and a plant are also visible on the desks.

Picture this—you and your colleagues have spent months working together on an important presentation for a school or work project, but when it’s time to show the final product, one person in your group is focused on their own achievements rather than the team itself. If you want to be more humble, do the opposite of this scenario; humble people are known to value collaboration over individual success.

5. Deflect Constructive Criticism

A woman with blonde hair, wearing a pink blouse, is sitting on a couch gesturing as she speaks. Next to her, a younger woman with brown hair in a white t-shirt is sitting with arms crossed, looking down and away. They both appear deep in conversation.

Let’s face it, hearing negative feedback from others is not exactly a walk in the park. But even though receiving constructive criticism can be tough, humble people use it as a way to recognize their flaws and take steps toward improving them. Next time someone critiques you, try to use it as an opportunity to help you grow rather than take it as a personal attack.

6. Boast About Their Generosity

In a city square, a man in a suit and tie hands money to an older man wearing a red beanie and gloves, who holds a cup. The older man appears to be in need, while the suited man stands in a compassionate gesture. Buildings and sunlight are visible in the background.

When you think of well-known figures that exemplify humility, like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa, the first thing that will most likely come to mind is the work they did to help others. But one quality that you probably don’t associate with these figures is bragging about their work. That is because people who practice humility understand that true generosity comes from a place of selflessness, without the expectation of recognition or reward for their actions.

7. Put Themselves Down

A person with blue hair and multiple earrings is standing outdoors, looking downwards. They are wearing a white shirt over a black top. The background features a beach with trees and structures. The lighting suggests it's either morning or late afternoon.

Just because humble people choose not to brag about their achievements, it doesn’t mean that they ignore them entirely. Humble individuals are able to see both strengths and weaknesses in themselves, and instead of brushing off a compliment, they simply say “thank you” and move on.

8. Looking Down On Others

A woman in a formal black blazer and white shirt holds a piece of paper while leaning towards a man sitting at a desk, seemingly in a serious conversation. The man, dressed in a light blue shirt, sits facing her. They are in a brightly lit office.

Humility and empathy go hand in hand with each other. Rather than judging others based on surface-level things like their physical characteristics or their upbringing, humble people see the inherent value in everyone. They genuinely care about the feelings and experiences of others, and they treat people with respect regardless of differences.

9. Play the Blame Game

A woman and a man are standing facing each other against a gray background. Both are making playful hand gestures, mimicking guns pointed at each other. The woman has long blonde hair and is wearing a denim shirt, while the man has short brown hair and is wearing a striped shirt.

Another quality that distinguishes humble people from others is their ability to recognize their mistakes. Instead of pointing fingers at others when called out for their shortcomings, they take responsibility for their actions, accept the consequences, and use it as an opportunity to be better in the future.

10. Avoid Self-Reflection

A young person in a black shirt closes their eyes and tilts their head slightly while holding their chin with one hand. The background is a bright white, and there are geometric light reflections overlaying the image, giving it a surreal effect.

Self-reflection can feel strange when you first put it into practice. How are you supposed to figure out your own strengths and weaknesses without stretching yourself too thin? While it can be uncomfortable, it is important to remember that being self-aware is the key to humility. Not only are humble people able to use self-reflection as a way to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, it also allows them to be their true, authentic selves.

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