If You Recognize These 19 Signs, You Desperately Need A Change In Life

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Do you recognize these signs?

A man with a beard, wearing a dark suit and tie, sits at a table with a neutral expression. His head rests on his right hand, fingers touching his temple. The background is a plain white wall.

All of us will have experienced a moment when we wonder, what am I doing with my life?

Suddenly, the realization hits that you need to make a change before things start going downhill.

Recognizing that it’s time for a change is the key to getting your life back on track and making positive decisions for your future.

Read on for some of the common signs that it’s about time you took a chance and made a change.

1. You’re jealous.

A woman with curly hair, wearing a pink robe, holds a white mug while looking out through blinds. Sunlight filters in, casting soft shadows. She appears thoughtful, standing in a dimly lit room.

If you’re jealous of someone you know and feel like life’s unfair, then the best thing to do is move your focus back to your own life and make a change.

Life is what you make of it and being jealous of what others have isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Focus your energy on yourself rather than comparing with others. The minute you start investing more in you and stop living vicariously through someone else is the minute you’ll start seeing things change for the better.

2. You aren’t sleeping.

A close-up of a man with short dark hair and a beard lying on a yellow and white striped pillow, looking contemplative and somewhat sad. He is wearing a casual grey shirt, and his eyes seem to be focused on something outside the frame.

You lie awake at night and your mind is in overdrive. Your anxieties get the better of you so much that you either can’t sleep or they start to penetrate your dreams.

You can’t function at 100% when you’re tired, so getting a regular good night sleep should be one of your top priorities.

Try changing your sleeping habits, swapping a screen before bed for a book, or have a go at some meditation to help keep spiraling thoughts at bay.

3. Your weight has changed.

A person with shoulder-length hair and soft features is standing near a clothing rack filled with various clothes. They are looking directly at the camera with a neutral expression. The background is softly lit by daylight coming through windows.

Overweight or underweight, both are a sign that you need to make changes for your health.

You might feel stressed with work or your relationship and have stopped focusing on what you’re eating or getting enough exercise.

Malnourishing yourself and causing extreme changes to your weight can be the beginning of a whole host of more serious problems in the future.

The worse your eating and exercise habits become, the unhappier you’ll feel both mentally and physically.

Make time to focus on your own health and prioritize your well-being above everything else.

4. You’ve got spots.

A woman in a pink blouse is examining her face in a round mirror. She is touching her cheek and looking thoughtful. There are skincare products on the table beside her. The room is bright, with a small plant visible in the background.

Issues with your skin are a telltale sign that something is off.

Sleep, diet, and stress can have a big impact on the appearance of our skin, so if you’ve got a sudden breakout, think about some habits you might need to change.

If you’re looking drained and tired, it’s probably because you are. So start taking time out for some self-care, think about what’s stopping you getting enough sleep, worrying you, or causing you stress.

5. You’re avoiding your friends.

A person with shoulder-length hair sits on the floor in a dimly lit room, leaning forward and staring intently at a laptop. They rest their head on one hand and appear focused, illuminated by the screen's light against a brick wall background.

It’s our closest friends that know us the best and can tell when something is wrong, even when we pretend otherwise.

If you feel yourself drawing away from your friends, cancelling plans, or avoiding their calls, it’s most likely because you’re trying to hide something from them.

Isolating yourself is never the answer if you’re feeling low. Your friends are there to support you and lift you up, so meet with them and talk about things you have on your mind.

They are the people who can help you to make positive changes and get you back on track.

6. You’re being self-destructive.

A person sitting at a desk, holding a glass of amber liquid, possibly whiskey. The person appears stressed, with hand on forehead. A laptop and papers are on the desk. The person is wearing a suit and watch.

You’ve been drinking too much, you’ve started smoking again, you’re hanging out with those friends you know aren’t good for you.

Whatever you’re doing, you know you’re getting yourself into bad situations and it needs to stop.

You might need to hit rock bottom before you appreciate the need to make a change in your life. If you’re developing habits you know aren’t good for you and no longer thinking about the consequences, then you’re at the place changes needs to be made.

Often you’re doing these things because you’re running away from the responsibility or hurt of something else. Don’t let these negative feelings rule your life, take back control and start making positive choices for the better.

7. You feel a sense of dread.

A woman with short, light brown hair is holding a white mug with both hands and looking thoughtfully into the distance. She is wearing a light-colored, long-sleeved top. The background is softly blurred, creating a calm and serene atmosphere.

Dreading something is the most obvious sign that a change has to happen.

You might hate work or being on your own, for example.

Whatever it is that you can’t bear, make it a priority to find a way to turn this feeling into something positive. You deserve to feel happiness, excitement, and look forward to your day.

If you’re dreading something, then seize the opportunity to make the change you’ve been putting off, whether it’s looking for a new job or having a hard conversation with someone.

You know you’ll feel better for it.

8. You’re in an emotional rut.

A woman with long brown hair lies on a bed, staring directly at the camera. She is dressed in a white shirt and surrounded by white pillows, with a calm expression on her face. The overall atmosphere is serene and relaxed.

It’s easy to get stuck in the monotony of everyday as life blurs into a series of appointments, commutes, and chores.

If you can’t remember the last time you really laughed or got giddy with excitement over something, it’s a timely reminder that you’ve gotten lost in the banality of things.

Don’t get so caught up in just getting through the day that you forget to live it. Whatever you have going on, there should always be time for you and how you feel. Your experience of life is uniquely yours so don’t miss the chance to make the most of it.

9. You’ve stopped taking an interest.

A man in a rust-colored jacket sits on the floor with a solemn expression, leaning against a bed. In the background, a woman in a tan sweater sits on the bed, looking at him with concern. The room has wooden floors, light curtains, and a plant in the corner.

When you look in the mirror and can’t recognize the person staring back at you, it’s sign you’ve lost interest in yourself.

Even when you don’t see the point in wearing anything but sweatpants or washing your hair, feeling good about yourself helps you have the confidence to take on whatever life throws at you.

It’s time to get your mojo back and start treating yourself to the attention you deserve.

10. You’re falling out with people.

Two people sit at a table having a conversation. One gestures with their hands, while the other listens. They have mugs in front of them and a smartphone is placed on the table. The background includes potted plants and a small kitchen area.

We often take our emotions out on the people closest to us, and if you notice yourself falling out with those around you, it’s a sign you need a change in your life.

Even though it might feel like it, the world isn’t always against you. It’s most likely an inner frustration that’s making you angry or irritable with others.

If you notice that you’re reacting differently to people around you, take a look inside first before you start blaming others over something only you can fix.

11. You’ve lost motivation.

A young man wearing a brown jacket sits in front of a laptop with his head resting on his hand, appearing bored or tired. In the background, three colleagues work at a table with laptops and papers, surrounded by potted plants in a white modern office.

If you have no motivation to get up and go about your day, a change to the norm is just what you need to shake out of your funk.

It’s okay to have an off day once in a while. Give yourself some time to feel what you need to feel and make a plan to lift yourself up out of the gloom.

A loss of motivation could just be your body and mind telling you it needs some time to recharge. Take the opportunity to be still and think of ways to change up your routine and get excited again.

12. You’re getting too comfortable.

A woman with long hair, dressed in a light pink sweater, is sitting on a plush sofa, resting her head on her hand. She gazes thoughtfully into the distance. The room has soft, neutral tones and a cozy atmosphere.
Woman lying on the sofa at home during quarantine

If every day is the same and you’ve become complacent, try being spontaneous and find ways to step outside your comfort zone.

You can’t grow as a person if you don’t have new experiences. There is a whole world of things to learn and people to meet out there.

Challenge yourself to face new situations and see where life can take you.

13. You’re too reliant on others.

A woman with long, blonde hair gently kisses the shoulder of a bearded man who is holding her close. They both appear to be outdoors, sharing an intimate and affectionate moment. The background is slightly blurred, emphasizing their connection.

As much as other people enrich our lives, you shouldn’t rely on someone else to navigate your life for you.

It’s unfair to put the pressure of making a relationship work or your decision-making on someone else.

Start taking responsibility for your decisions and actions. This is your life, so don’t wait around on someone else before making the changes you want to see happen.

14. You’re making excuses.

A woman and a man sit across from each other at a table, engaging in a conversation. The woman, holding a coffee cup, gestures with her hand, while the man listens attentively with an open posture. Both appear to be in a casual setting, possibly a café.

Change can be daunting. You don’t know what lies on the other side of the decision you’re about to make and whether it’s going to be for the better or worse.

Procrastinating and making excuses is just giving into the fear of the unknown. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t take a leap of faith.

Catch yourself when you start to make excuses about why you shouldn’t make a change and instead start to think of all the reasons why you should.

A bit of self-belief could be all that’s standing in the way of you and what you’ve always wanted.

15. You feel trapped in your relationship.

A woman with long brown hair and wearing a brown cardigan is seated outdoors, looking attentively towards a bald man in a blue shirt whose back is to the camera. They appear to be engaged in a conversation. A blurred fence and greenery are visible in the background.

It’s the sign that the classic ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ chat is not too far away. Feeling uncomfortable or trapped in your relationship doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s over for good, but it does show that something needs to give.

You might have outgrown each other or realize that you want different things. It could be that you’ve lost your own sense of identity after being in a relationship for so long.

Whatever your reason, having some time to work on yourself is the right thing.  If your partner loves you, they’ll understand it’s a change you need to make for a better future, even if it’s hard to face right now.

16. You’re overspending.

A man and a woman are sitting on a gray couch. The man is holding a laptop and looking at the screen, while the woman, wearing a yellow shirt, is holding a credit card and smiling at the man. They appear to be shopping online together.

Shopping is a way to cover up feelings we have inside. You feel excited and happy when you get something new, but that quickly fades until you find something else to buy.

If your spending has increased lately, you could subconsciously be glossing over a bigger issue going on inside.

Spending money is not an emotional substitute. You need to get to the bottom of your spending habits and make a change, otherwise you’ll just feel worse when that bill comes at the end of the month.

17. You aren’t living in the present.

A woman with long blonde hair is sitting at a desk in an office, holding a white coffee cup and looking thoughtfully out the window. She is wearing a gray blazer over a black and white patterned top. There are plants and office supplies on the desk.

You might feel stuck wishing you’d done something differently, or catch yourself daydreaming make-believe scenarios, but neither is helping you make the most of the present.

Start appreciating the present and make the changes right now that will give you a future you want. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it and use it to motivate you to build something better for yourself.

Daydreaming is a start but getting too caught up in your head will make you miss everything you could be making the most of right now.

18. You’re becoming obsessive.

A woman sits on a couch, appearing upset and looking away, while a man sits behind her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. She has her arms crossed, and they are in a cozy home setting with a staircase in the background.

When you’re unhappy and feel like you’re losing control of part of your life, a natural reaction is to focus on the things that are in your control.

In extreme cases this becomes obsessive, causing you even more stress.

Nothing in the extreme is ever good for you, especially if you are using it as a distraction from your real feelings. If something is occupying too much of your thoughts, try to find some balance by turning your attention to something else.

A little bit of perspective is the positive change you need to let go of your worries and gain clarity on what really matters.

19. You’re messy.

A man in pajamas is sitting on a messy bed, tossing a rolled-up piece of clothing towards an overflowing laundry basket. The background shows a disorganized room with clothes and other items scattered around.

They say your room is a reflection of the state of your mind. If you see the mess around you as an outward expression of your thoughts and feelings, it makes sense that by tackling the mess, you’ll soon feel as though you have a clear head again.

If you’re becoming messy, see it as a sign to address how you’re feeling and make the necessary changes before you become overwhelmed.


A young woman with long blonde hair and glasses sits at a desk, leaning her head on her hand. She is wearing a white checkered shirt over a gray top. In front of her is an open notebook with a pen. The background is blurred.

Change can be difficult at first, but often it’s for the better.

It can be hard to admit that you need to make a change for your own benefit, but once you recognize the signs, you can begin doing something positive about it.

Acknowledging that you need to make a change is the first step in getting yourself to a better place.

You are the only one who has the ability to take control of your life and you need to be in a strong, positive mental place in order to do this. Spend time doing things that make you happy and feel more confident in your ability to make good decisions.

Take ownership of your life choices. Don’t leave it to others to steer your course, take control and be the change you want to see.