12 Behaviors That Are Making Your Life Mind Numbingly Dull

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Are You Bored Of Your Dull Life?

A man in a blue shirt sits at a desk, resting his face in his hands with a frustrated expression. He appears to be looking at a computer screen. The background is out of focus, suggesting an office environment.

Your life isn’t exactly what you’d call exciting. Things are a bit monotonous and predictable, and the way you’re living your life doesn’t fulfill you.

You’re a bit bored by it all.

You’re not necessarily thinking of completely reinventing yourself or transforming your life beyond all recognition.

But you do need an injection of interest and excitement to chase the boredom away.

If this sounds familiar, here are 12 things you might be doing that could be making your life mind numbingly dull. And the good news is, they can easily be changed.

1. Never breaking out of your routines and comfort zone.

A man and a woman sit at a table, both resting their heads on their hands, appearing bored. They have coffee cups in front of them in a bright kitchen setting.

Comfort zones feel safe, warm, cozy and, well… comfortable. They’re nice places to be. But they can also feel restrictive and boring at times. And being stuck in one can mean you don’t have the guts to take risks.

The fact is, interesting things are far more likely to happen to you when you step out of your comfort zone, even if you only poke your nose out.

Make a deal with yourself that you’ll do something that takes you out of your comfort zone at least once a week, however insignificant that thing might seem.

Even small things like striking up a conversation with a stranger can be enough to make life a little more interesting and varied.

Start by exploring the area around your comfort zone. As your comfort zone gets bigger, you’ll feel more confident to push yourself further and further.

2. Living without goals or aims.

A person with shoulder-length hair and a blonde streak stands on a beach, wearing a mustard yellow turtleneck sweater. The sea is in the background under a cloudy sky. The person gazes downwards, creating a calm and introspective mood.

Though it might sound odd, goals and aims make life more interesting. They give you something to strive towards, something to look forward to. Without them, life can feel pretty pointless.

If you want to mix things up but you need a little motivation, setting yourself mini goals and challenges can be a great way to get some momentum. 

Set challenges for each week or month, or even set yourself some big goals for the year.

Just make sure you break those big goals down and get clear about the steps you need to take to make them happen, so you don’t get overwhelmed.

And remember to look for challenges that are outside that comfort zone of yours – sure, it’s nice to get better at something you already do and really excel at it, but it won’t necessarily make your life any more interesting or exciting.

3. Ignoring the adventures on your own doorstep.

A bald man wearing sunglasses, a navy blue t-shirt, light grey shorts, and brown shoes is walking on a cobblestone street while looking at his smartphone. The background features buildings, trees, and a blurred-out red car.

An interesting and exciting life doesn’t have to involve international travel or extreme sports. There are adventures to be had everywhere you look. But often, we forget to look up from our phones and our busy lives and we miss all the exciting things happening right on our doorstep. And then we complain about being bored.

Think about the area surrounding your home and what you could do that you have never done before.

Is there a new restaurant you haven’t been to that serves some kind of exotic cuisine you’ve yet to experience?

Has a new climbing wall opened up? Is there a lake you could skinny dip in, even in the middle of winter?

On a clear night, could you go stargazing somewhere near you? Or take a walk by the light of the full moon? Could you have a winter BBQ? A fire on the beach?

You’ll be amazed at all the fun you can have and all the new things you can try without going very far at all. I wouldn’t mind betting there are all kinds of things for you to discover within just a 5-mile radius.

4. Going through life on autopilot.

A man with a beard is eating a bowl of cereal while looking at his smartphone. He is sitting in a kitchen with a bottle of milk and a green mug on the counter. A blackboard with writing in the background is partially visible.

Many of us are guilty of just plowing through life without truly being present in the moment, worrying about yesterday or tomorrow and never focusing on the now.

If you don’t consciously take a moment to stop and look around you, then you can be missing all kinds of interesting and exciting things that are happening to you all the time.

Make a point of bringing your attention back to the present.

Noticing the tiny things like birdsong or the flavor of food can make you appreciate that there are actually wonderful things happening around you all the time, even if you don’t tend to see them.

You might find this article helpful in this regards: 8 Secrets Of Conscious Living

5. Dismissing creative pursuits.

An older woman with short blonde hair, wearing a bright pink cardigan, is painting on a canvas in a well-lit room. She holds a palette in her left hand and a brush in her right, focusing intently on her colorful abstract artwork.

Do you dismiss creativity as airy fairy nonsense that’s not for you? Or perhaps you don’t give it a chance as you think you’ll be no good at it?

Having a creative outlet can be transformative, and it certainly keeps boredom at bay.

Try out different ways of expressing yourself creatively, whether that’s in the shape of writing, knitting, painting, dancing… whatever.

You could surprise yourself with the results and how much you enjoy yourself in the process.

Give that creative thing you’ve always been curious about a try, and don’t let the fear of not being very good at something hold you back.

6. Ignoring the world around you.

A person with curly hair and red-painted fingernails leans on a railing, gazing thoughtfully into the distance. The background is blurred, showing an urban setting with a tall building and greenery.

If you want to lead an interesting life, the first step is to be interested in the world around you.

Ask questions. Read books. Go to museums. Listen to podcasts. Have debates. Follow interesting people that think differently to you on social media. 

Visit tourist destinations that are off the beaten track – perhaps less Instagram-worthy but probably more interesting for it.

Look around you and don’t just take the way things are for granted. Question things, rather than taking them at face value.

You never know what you might discover.

7. Letting your skills and hobbies stagnate.

Two people are kayaking on a calm body of water. The person in the foreground is in a yellow kayak, and the one in the background is in an orange kayak. Both are holding paddles and wearing sunglasses, enjoying a sunny day with trees visible in the distance.

Life is one long learning curve, but some people forget that.

If you’re bored, then you probably need to learn something new.

Whether it’s something active like a sport, something creative like pottery, or it’s all study-based, like learning about your country’s history or learning a language, it’ll relight your love of learning.

There’s so much for us to learn in this world, and if we can only recognize just how little we actually know and commit to expanding our minds, then our lives can become one hell of a lot more interesting.

8. Saying no to things.

A man with curly hair and a beard leans his head on his hand while sitting against a light-colored brick wall. He is wearing a gray t-shirt and appears to be in a dimly lit setting, highlighted by a blue-toned light casting a shadow behind him.

Saying yes to the world can bring some incredible experiences your way. If you say no to things, you miss out on those experiences. And when you miss out on too many experiences, you start to get bored. So say yes to invitations. Help people out. Be spontaneous.

Be open to new experiences. Saying yes to new things won’t always work out perfectly, but it’ll definitely teach you a lot and might mean you make some amazing discoveries or meet some fascinating people.

9. Saying yes to things.

A woman with red hair works on a laptop, seated at a desk against a backdrop of beige curtains. She is wearing a light gray button-up shirt and appears focused on her task. The lighting is warm, casting gentle shadows around her.

I hate to contradict myself, but there are always two sides of the coin.

Saying yes isn’t always a positive, especially if it means you’re spreading yourself too thin, or if your heart isn’t really in it.

There’s also a lot of power in saying no to things you don’t want to do and setting boundaries. Doing things you don’t want to do is a surefire path to boredom and misery.

That can free up the time you need to get out there and have the exciting, interesting experiences you’re craving.

10. Sticking with old, familiar friendships.

Two women are having a conversation in a cafe. One woman, with red hair and wearing a white blazer over a black shirt with the number "1987," faces the camera. The other woman, with dark hair in a bun, wears a dark jacket and is facing away from the camera.

The people we spend the majority of our time with can do a lot to shape our lives. Are yours shaping your life for the better or are they contributing to your feelings of stagnation?

There’s no need for you to cut people out of your life just because they’re not the most exciting person on the planet, but there might be room for some new relationships in your life.

Be open to meeting new people. Get out and about and smile, strike up conversations with people and just be friendly. You never know who you might meet.


A woman sitting at a desk looks thoughtful and slightly bored as she rests her head on her hand. She is stacking white paper cups into a pyramid. The desk has pencils in a holder, a notepad, and a framed picture. The background includes shelves and a large window.

This is just your friendly reminder that interesting and exciting definitely doesn’t have to mean dangerous or risky.

Sure, try an extreme sport if you like, but make sure you take all the right safety precautions and are with someone who knows what they’re doing.

Interesting and exciting doesn’t have to mean radical, and you can even spice up your life from the comfort of your own home.

And what’s more, if you want to spice up your life, make sure you’re doing this for yourself. If you’re happy with your life, then don’t feel pressured to live it differently to impress someone else.

Your heart really needs to be in all the things you do, and if you’re happy with a quieter, more low-key existence, don’t let anyone make you feel bad about that.

About The Author

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.