If you want to feel instantly happier, do these 15 simple things

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It doesn’t have to be complicated.

A woman with long hair smiles and looks to the side while standing outdoors. She is wearing a light sweater with a pink collar. The background is a blurred urban setting.

We humans really like to overcomplicate our lives. We never make things easy for ourselves. And although we all want to be happy, we do things every day that stop us from reaching that elusive state.

The good news is that there are plenty of small, simple things you can do to make your life better. Ways to show yourself a bit of self-respect, boost your well-being, help out those around you, and give yourself a chance to live your best life.

You’re the only one who truly knows what changes you need to make in your life, but these suggestions might be a good place to start.

1. Make your social media feeds happy, inspiring places.

A woman in a white sweater stands outdoors, smiling while looking at her phone. She carries a black bag over her shoulder. The background features a modern building and trees under a clear sky.

Unfollow those negative influences and then go find some positive ones.

Search around and see if you can discover some influencers who are doing things you can really get on board with.

Follow charities, campaigners, and people fighting for equality, sustainability, body positivity, or whatever it may be.

Make sure you’re getting a good mix of posts that will boost your mood or your confidence, and posts that will inspire you to do better, or do some good in the world.

2. Spend time with animals.

An elderly man with a long white beard and glasses sits in a kitchen holding an orange cat. He is looking at a laptop on a wooden table, with sunlight streaming through a window nearby. The kitchen has a black brick backsplash, knives on a magnetic strip, and potted plants.

Multiple studies have concluded that people who own pets are happier than those who don’t.

So, if you have a furry friend, make an effort to spend more time with them. Just stroking an animal can be incredibly relaxing.

If you don’t have a pet, this isn’t an excuse to rush out and adopt one. After all, pet ownership is a big responsibility.

But if you’ve always wanted a dog and have been putting it off, and know you could give an animal in need of adoption a good home, you could start considering it.

But you don’t need your own pet to spend time with animals. Offer to look after a friend’s dog, or house sit for a friend with animals on your next holiday.

3. Spend time alone.

A man with short brown hair and a beard is sitting on a grey couch, smiling. He is wearing a striped shirt with blue, green, and white horizontal lines. There are cushions next to him, and potted plants can be seen in the background.

Sometimes, we just need our own space to sit back and take stock of everything that’s going on in our lives.

Treat yourself to an evening in, with a face mask and your favorite film.

Book yourself a solo holiday. Take yourself on a solo day out. Go to the cinema.

Spending time alone can help you get back in touch with how you’re feeling, and get better clarity about the things you’ve got going on in your life.

4. Call (or text) a friend.

A smiling person with curly hair holds a phone to their ear. They are dressed in a grey top with a lighter grey cardigan. The background is blurred and brightly lit.

Life is all about the relationships that we have with our fellow human beings. But we sometimes forget that, and neglect the most important people in our lives.

Call a friend. Call a relative. Call your mom. If phone calls aren’t your thing, send them a message to let them know you’re thinking of them.

5. Compliment a friend.

Two men enjoying coffee together at a modern café. One man, wearing a plaid shirt, holds his cup mid-conversation and smiles at the other man, who wears a maroon shirt and also has a coffee cup in hand. A smartphone lies on the table between them.

The next time you think someone’s looking particularly nice or has done a good job on something, just tell them.

It’ll make their day, and knowing that will make you feel better too.

6. Learn something.

A man with gray hair and glasses wearing a denim shirt is reading a book in a kitchen. He is leaning on a wooden table with a cup beside him. Sunlight is streaming through a window in the background.

As we get older, we often stagnate with our learning. But it’s in our nature to always want to be learning and absorbing new information, otherwise we get bored.

So, buy yourself a book on a topic you’ve been curious about. Sign up for an online course, or even an evening course.

Whether it’s all theoretical or you’re learning something practical, you’ll get a wonderful sense of satisfaction from expanding your knowledge.

7. Stretch.

A man wearing a light blue shirt is lying in bed, smiling, and stretching with both arms raised above his head. He is resting on white pillows and covered with a white blanket. The headboard is wooden.

Stretch out those muscles. Touch your toes. Or try to touch your toes. Get back in touch with your body, and get rid of some of that built-up tension.

8. Drink enough fluids.

A man with short dark hair and a beard, wearing a denim jacket and hoodie, is drinking water from a plastic bottle while standing on a city street. In the background, there are buildings, a café, and a sunny clear sky.

Some of the issues you have might be down to something as simple as being dehydrated.

Most of us don’t drink anything like enough fluids on a daily basis. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning and drink plenty more throughout the day.

Herbal teas are great ways to get more liquid into you too.

9. Go to bed earlier.

An elderly woman with gray hair sleeps peacefully on her side in bed, with a man sleeping beside her. They are covered with a white blanket. Her phone is on the nightstand next to her. The bedroom has a warm, cozy ambiance.

You probably aren’t getting enough sleep, most of us don’t. Going to bed just that little bit earlier could make a huge difference to your quality of life.

There are many benefits to getting a good night’s sleep, including having more energy, being less tempted by unhealthy foods, and being in a better mood.

10. Reduce your plastic use.

A collection of plastic bottles, including white and green ones, some partially wrapped in plastic bags. The bottles are arranged irregularly, some lying horizontally and others at different angles. The bottles appear to be empty.

Want to feel better about yourself and the state of the planet?

Start doing your bit to stem the tide of plastic by finding ways to reduce your plastic use.

Plastics are bad for the planet and they’re bad for us, and only a very small percentage of them are actually recycled, so start putting your energies into reducing the amount of single-use plastic in your life.

11. Practice gratitude.

A joyful elderly woman with short white hair is being embraced and kissed on the cheek by a young girl with long brown hair. The woman is smiling and holding a bright sunflower. They are seated on a couch with a lit lamp in the background.

Focusing on the things you’re grateful for can transform your mindset, whatever you’ve got going on.

Try writing down the three things that you’re most grateful for today, or in general.

Focus on everything you do have, and all the worries about what you don’t have will melt away.

12. Do something kind.

Two women are embraced in a comforting hug. The woman facing the camera has long brown hair and is wearing a red patterned blouse. Her eyes are closed with a pained expression. The other woman, with brown hair and a white blouse with black patterns, is turned away.

If you’re losing faith in humanity, you need a reminder that there’s good in the world, and you can be that reminder.

Perform a random act of kindness for someone. There’s no better feeling.

One act of kindness nearly always leads to another, so you’ll know you’ve set off a chain of goodness, which should be a comfort even on the darkest of days.

13. Read the news.

An older man with glasses and a beard is sitting at a table, reading a newspaper. A cup of coffee, a glass of orange juice, and some pastries are on the table. There is a window next to him reflecting his image.

Reading the news can be a very simple but effective way of putting our lives into perspective.

No matter what’s going on, the fact that you’re reading this means you are significantly better off than a lot of people on the planet.

But don’t only look at the bad news, or you won’t feel all that much better. Make a point of searching for good news stories, too, to remind you that there are wonderful people out there, and that there’s always hope.

14. Start a good book.

A woman with wavy brown hair and a black dress with white polka dots is sitting at a table, reading a book. She is leaning her head on her hand and smiling softly. There is a small vase with a yellow flower on the table beside her.

You know that feeling of getting completely sucked into a good book, and not being able to put it down?

It’s one of life’s greatest joys.

If you love reading but haven’t made the time for it lately, get your hands on a book that you know you’ll love.

15. Treat yourself to that thing you’ve been wanting.

A man and woman sit at a table in a shopping mall, each with a coffee cup. The woman, smiling, looks at the man while holding a yellow shopping bag. They seem to be engaged in a pleasant conversation. Shopping bags are visible next to them.

Much as our happiness shouldn’t depend on material things, there’s no denying that occasionally the things that we buy do actually improve our lives or boost our happiness.

Don’t do it for the thrill of casually buying something you’ve just plucked off the rail in a shop…

…do it for the feeling of finally buying the one thing you’ve had your eye on for months, or maybe even years.

Make it something you know you’ll use all the time.

16. Tell someone you love them.

An older couple is embracing and smiling joyfully. The woman, with short brown hair, has her arms around the man's shoulders, while the man, with gray hair and a beard, leans into her, creating a tender and happy moment near a window with soft light.

Whoever you’re feeling the love for, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or a partner, just tell them. Simple as that.

About The Author

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.