People who secretly despise authority often demonstrate these 11 behaviors

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Those who dislike authority tend to do these things more often than others.

Three business professionals in a meeting room, with two engaged in a focused discussion across a conference table. A screen displaying a bar graph is in the background. One person is observing attentively.

Authority can rub some people the wrong way, even if they don’t show it outright. These individuals harbor a deep-seated aversion to power structures and those who wield control over others. While they might not openly rebel, their behavior often reveals their true feelings. Let’s explore the subtle signs that indicate someone might secretly despise authority.

1. They campaign against abuses of power.

A person is holding up a cardboard sign that reads "WE NEED A CHANGE" at a protest. The person stands in the foreground with their back to the camera, and a large crowd of protesters with various signs is gathered in the background.

Injustice ignites a fire in their belly. When faced with the misuse of power, these individuals spring into action, rallying support and shining a spotlight on wrongdoings. They’re the ones organizing petitions, coordinating protests, or tirelessly advocating for change through social media and grassroots movements. Their passion for exposing corruption and holding the powerful accountable stems from a fundamental distrust of authority figures. This crusading spirit isn’t just about specific issues; it’s a reflection of their broader belief that unchecked power inevitably leads to abuse.

2. They promote egalitarian living.

Two women are engaging in a friendly conversation outdoors. One woman with long gray hair is smiling brightly, dressed in a navy blazer and white shirt, carrying a black shoulder bag. The other woman is seen from behind, with blonde hair, wearing a tan blazer.

Step into their world, and you’ll notice a refreshing absence of hierarchy. From the CEO to the intern, these individuals interact with everyone on an equal footing. They eschew formalities and reject the notion that some people deserve more respect based on their position or status. This egalitarian approach isn’t just about being nice; it’s a deliberate rejection of the societal norms that place some individuals above others. By treating everyone as peers, they’re quietly undermining the very foundations of traditional power structures.

3. They watch for mismatches between words and actions.

A woman with long blonde hair holds eyeglasses in front of her eyes and squints slightly, appearing confused or concentrating. Her facial expression is serious, and she wears a light pink sweater. The background is plain and light-colored.

Sharp-eyed and attentive, these individuals have a knack for spotting inconsistencies. They’re the first to notice when a leader’s actions don’t align with their proclaimed values or promises. This vigilance isn’t mere curiosity; it’s a manifestation of their deep-seated skepticism toward authority figures. They’ve learned that those in power often say one thing and do another, so they’re constantly on guard. This behavior reflects their underlying belief that authority figures can’t be trusted at face value and must be held accountable through constant scrutiny.

4. They question the “Why” of everything.

A woman with short blond hair, wearing a white sweater, is looking thoughtfully to her right. She is seen through a reflective glass, and another person with long blond hair, partially out of focus, is in the foreground facing away.

“Because that’s how it’s always been done” is never a satisfactory answer for these individuals. They possess an insatiable curiosity that drives them to dig deeper, challenging long-held assumptions and established norms. This questioning nature isn’t just about intellectual curiosity; it’s a fundamental rejection of blind acceptance. By constantly probing the reasons behind rules, traditions, and societal structures, they’re subtly undermining the authority of those who maintain the status quo. Their persistent “why” pushes back against unquestioned obedience.

5. They value their autonomy.

A young person with long red hair wearing a green beanie and rust-colored sweater stands outdoors with a backpack on. The background features a blurred natural landscape with trees and mountains.

Freedom is their oxygen. These individuals cherish their independence and bristle at the thought of someone else calling the shots in their life. They’re not necessarily rebellious for the sake of it, but they have a strong aversion to feeling controlled or restricted. This fierce protection of their autonomy stems from a deep-rooted belief that true fulfillment comes from self-direction, not from following orders. Their resistance to being told what to do is their way of protesting against the very concept of top-down authority.

6. They aren’t impressed by titles.

A man and woman in business attire sit across from each other at a table in an office. The man gestures with both hands while talking, and the woman listens while holding her glasses near her mouth. Laptops, documents, and a coffee cup are on the table.

Fancy job titles and impressive credentials don’t sway these individuals. They’re more interested in a person’s character, actions, and ideas than their position on the corporate ladder or the letters after their name. This indifference to titles isn’t just about being down-to-earth; it’s a deliberate rejection of the societal norms that confer automatic respect and authority based on rank. By valuing substance over status, they’re challenging the hierarchical structures that underpin traditional power dynamics.

7. They think independently.

A woman with long brown hair and wearing a dark blazer gazes thoughtfully out of a window. Natural light illuminates her face, highlighting her contemplative expression.

In a world of conformity, these individuals stand out. They’re not swayed by popular opinion or societal pressure, instead forging their own path based on personal convictions. This independent thinking isn’t just about being unique; it’s a fundamental rejection of groupthink and blind obedience. By resisting peer pressure and questioning mainstream narratives, they’re challenging the authority of collective norms and expectations. Their independence is them fighting back against the idea that we should accept things simply because everyone else does.

8. They engage in subtle forms of rebellion or non-conformity.

A person with a beard and wearing a blue beanie makes a peace sign with their fingers. They are outdoors with a blurred, green, natural background. The individual is dressed in a beige sweater.

Look closely, and you’ll spot their silent acts of defiance. Maybe it’s a small rebellion against dress codes, or perhaps it’s finding creative ways to bend rules without breaking them outright. These subtle acts of non-conformity aren’t about causing trouble; they’re expressions of individuality and a rejection of unnecessary constraints. By pushing boundaries in small ways, they’re quietly asserting their autonomy and challenging the legitimacy of rules they deem arbitrary or unfair. It’s their way of saying, “I’ll play along, but on my own terms.”

9. They challenge unfair rules or policies.

A man and woman, both in business attire and wearing glasses, are engaged in an intense conversation outside a modern office building. The man gestures emphatically with his hands, while the woman looks at him with a serious expression, holding one hand open.

When confronted with unjust regulations, these individuals don’t simply shrug and accept them. They’re the ones who speak up in meetings, write letters to management, or rally their colleagues to push for change. This willingness to challenge unfair rules isn’t just about making things better; it’s a direct confrontation with authority. By questioning and pushing back against policies they deem unfair, they’re asserting that those in power don’t have the right to impose arbitrary or unjust rules. It’s their way of saying that authority must be earned through fairness and reason, not simply accepted without question.

10. They empathize with underdogs or marginalized groups.

A person holding a "Black Lives Matter" sign stands among a group of protesters. The scene is on a city street with blurred buildings in the background. The person wears glasses and a white hoodie, and people around them are holding up banners.

These individuals have a soft spot for the underdog. They’re drawn to stories of resilience in the face of adversity and often find themselves championing causes that support marginalized communities. This empathy isn’t just about being kind; it’s a reflection of their skepticism toward established power structures. By aligning themselves with those who are often overlooked or oppressed by society, they’re challenging the authority of dominant groups and institutions. Their support for underdogs is a form of resistance against systems that perpetuate inequality and injustice.

11. They are skeptical of official narratives or explanations.

A man in a suit and red striped tie speaks to journalists holding microphones in various colors. Multiple international flags are visible in the background, suggesting a multinational setting.

When presented with official statements or explanations, these individuals don’t take them at face value. They’re the ones digging deeper, cross-referencing information, and seeking out alternative perspectives. This skepticism isn’t about being contrarian; it’s a fundamental distrust of information coming from authoritative sources. By questioning official narratives, they’re challenging the idea that those in power have a monopoly on truth. Their persistent doubt is a small rebellion against the notion that we should accept something simply because it comes from an “official” source.

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.