If you hold on to these things, you’ll never move forward in life.
Success is as easy as doing the right things at the right time. But it’s also hard, very hard, because there are so many things—both internal and external—trying their best to hold you back. What follows is a list of things people are mentally attached to that keep them stuck in place, never progressing, never realizing their dreams or their potential.
1. Fear of failure.
A better present and future is only possible if you can bravely move forward. Failure is scary. There always seems to be so much on the line. A lot of things can go wrong, and it can feel like everything is fragile. However, what you must keep in mind is that failing doesn’t have to be an end. Failing is just learning what doesn’t work so you can try something different that hopefully will.
2. Comfort zones.
Familiar routines and environments are comforting because you know what to expect. The issue is that comfort and familiarity are limiting. Growth and change require you to step into a space where you don’t necessarily know what to expect. You have to be willing to face the unknown if you want to succeed. You have to accept that you’re not going to be comfortable.
3. Approval from others.
No one else can live your life for you. No one else is ever going to care as much about you and your life as you are. You are holding yourself back by looking for the approval of others before you go after what you want in life. Other people limit you because their advice and thoughts are often coming from their own point of view. For example, they may not think you can do it because they don’t think they can.
4. Unrealistic expectations.
Perfectionism and unattainable standards are self-sabotage in two different ways. The first way is by avoiding the work altogether. “Why should I bother? I’m never going to get it perfectly right!” The second way is to work toward a goal that you can never reach. A project needs to end sooner or later, and it’s not going to be perfect. Perfectionism prevents success.
5. Toxic relationships.
The people you surround yourself with empower or limit how far you will go in life. People who are supportive can help pick you up when you stumble and give you a pat on the back to get you moving again. Compare that to toxic relationships where you’re told you can’t do something, you’re too stupid, or you’re not worthy. Trying to succeed with toxic people around is like trying to swim with a weight on your neck.
6. Old habits.
Outdated and unproductive habits stifle your ability to adapt, innovate, and overcome. A rut will keep you moving in the same direction as that rut. Instead, you need to climb out of the rut so you can pick a new direction to move. That may be challenging yourself, learning more, fixing your diet, exercising, or whatever other habits you need to develop to fuel your success.
7. Past regrets.
People waste a lot of time dwelling on past mistakes and missed opportunities. Yes, these things can hurt. However, they need to be released so that you can better focus on your present and future. Time you spend dwelling in the past is time you’re not spending on improving yourself now. The present and future are full of possibilities and opportunities if you are willing to look forward.
8. Negative self-talk.
It’s hard to be your own best friend, particularly if you come from a traumatic background where kindness wasn’t common. Still, you are the person you will spend your entire life with. By constantly telling yourself what you can’t do, what you aren’t capable of, what you’re not smart enough to do, you are dooming yourself to failure. That internal monologue needs to be improved.
9. Material possessions.
An overattachment to things can lead to stagnation. A person who bases their happiness on what they have is condemning themselves to sadness when they don’t have it. Furthermore, a person who requires material possessions to be happy will end up spending a lot of money to keep up with that need. Those are resources no longer available to support pursuing success.
10. Unresolved trauma.
Unresolved trauma can manifest as fear, anger, and self-sabotage. It’s hard to move forward when you are carrying that heavy weight with you. These negative feelings and actions do affect the way you perceive the world now and influence your decisions. Yes, confronting unresolved trauma is hard and time-consuming. However, it’s necessary to develop happiness and push closer to success.
11. Comparison to others.
Everyone is on their own timeline for accomplishments and success in life. Constantly comparing yourself to others will lead you to feel inadequate and distract you from your unique path. It doesn’t matter what anyone else has or is accomplishing. What matters are the steps that you are taking to grow, evolve, and capture the success in life that you want for yourself.
12. Fear of change.
Change is scary. It’s unknown. Sometimes it’s taking a leap off a cliff into an unknown because you can’t make an accurate guess on how things might go. That can be something as serious as changing jobs or ending a relationship. It’s impossible to know how things will go after the change, but change is necessary if your present circumstances are not empowering you or fueling your success.