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Free Printable Goal Setting Worksheet + Habit Tracker Template

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When you set a goal, it’s best to write it down on paper.

It makes the goal more real. More concrete. And it makes you more likely to achieve it.

This goes for life goals, health and fitness goals, career goals, finance goals, business goals – in fact, any type of goal you can think of.

But rather than just write your goal down on any old scrap of paper, wouldn’t it be great to have something that allows you to set your goal with greater clarity and detail?

Luckily for you, we’ve created a free, printable goal setting worksheet that you can download and use as many times as you like.

This simple PDF goal planning form is a stylish way to stay focused on your goals with each day that passes.

You can print it off and stick it on your fridge, your wall, or anywhere you’ll see it daily.

Let’s run through each element shall we?

set a goal and give it a deadline

The first and most important task is to write down your goal.

Follow our guide to setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. goals and you’ll be able to define your goal in a vivid and effective way.

Set a deadline for your goal since open-ended aspirations tend to go unaccomplished. Maybe it’s a weekly, monthly, or quarterly goal timeframe that you’re working to.

If you like, give it a category such as health or relationship or any one of the 10 types of goals there are.

And how important is this goal to you? You will want to work on some goals more than others and this allows you to prioritize them during periods when your time is limited.

goal milestones and steps

Each goal you set will likely contain intermediate milestones that you will need to work toward. And each of these milestones may have sub-steps of their own.

For instance, your main goal might be to reduce your blood pressure to within a healthy range.

To work toward this, your milestones might be to decrease the amount of saturated fat in your diet, to walk 10,000 steps a day, and to reduce your stress levels.

The sub-steps might include replacing red meat with fish and poultry wherever possible, walking to the grocery store instead of driving, and learn mini mindfulness meditations.

goal action plan

To form an even more detailed plan to achieve your goal, you can write down a checklist of things that you will need to do in order to accomplish the goal successfully.

These tasks are more specific than those you will have written in the section above. If you know they are going to happen on a certain date, you can enter this next to the task. Or you can give yourself a deadline to work to if there is no set date.

Returning to our blood pressure example, you might include things such as visiting your doctor to check on your progress. Or you might plan a mountain hike on a particular day.

goal motivations and setbacks

Finally, there is space for you to write down what setbacks you have experienced along the way – this can be filled in as you go to remind you of the lessons you have learned and the challenges you have overcome.

And there is a box for you to write down your motivation(s) for this particular goal.

This might include a person you have made a promise to, an accountability partner you are working with, a reward you are going to treat yourself to, or any other reason for why you are doing what you are doing.

Just answer this question: what keeps you going?

And once you have achieved your goal, enter the date, and file this page away in a folder. Keeping these goal worksheets is a good idea because they can help you set and achieve more goals in the future, knowing that you’ve done so in the past.

And they are personal reminders of how you have grown and changed yourself for the better.

These goal tracking templates can be used in all sorts of situations and by both adults and kids alike.

If your child is struggling with something academically or you are trying to encourage a behavioral change in them, this printout can really help remind them of where they are trying to get to and what they will need to do.

Not only is there the goal worksheet that’s broken down above, but we’re also giving you a second style to choose if you prefer.

You can simply click each image below to download them in a PDF format. No sign-up necessary!

We recommend printing them out in color if possible to draw your eye to them rather than have them blend in to the background.

Design 1:

Design 2:

But wait, don’t leave this page just yet – we’ve got another free giveaway for you below.

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Free Printable Habit Tracker Template

To complement the goal setting sheets above, print off and fill in the habit tracker below.

Habits are the little things that add up to larger changes over time. But forming a habit requires time and dedication.

Tracking when you perform a habit each day will help you to be consistent in your attempts to make it stick for good.

If you want some ideas of habits to track, try some of these:

  • Get to bed by a certain time each night.
  • Drink 6 glasses of water each day.
  • Do stretches.
  • Make the bed.
  • Meditate.
  • Journal.
  • Get your 5-a-day.
  • Empty your inbox.
  • Water plants.
  • Take vitamins or medication.

Of course, you can include anything that needs to be done on a daily or almost daily basis.

Whether you are doing a 30-day challenge or want the option of a full 31-day month, you can simply colour in each day or put a cross through them as you go. The choice is yours.

And if you have a bullet journal, you can always print this off in a smaller size and stick it in, or print it full size and have it folding out from a page.

Either way, having something you can print off is far better than trying to use a spreadsheet or habit tracker app (which will only keep you glued to your phone longer each day).

Simply click the image below to download this habit tracker (no sign-up necessary):

We hope you see the great benefits of using both the printable goal setting worksheet and this habit tracker template.

If you want to achieve a particular feat or create a positive habit in your life, having a visual reminder to look at daily will really help.

So get downloading and enjoy!

About The Author

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.